x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Fast forward

This event occurred on
March 10, 2016
6:00pm - 9:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Krakow, Małopolskie


Ciężko dziś sobie wyobrazić życie bez komputerów osobistych, smartphone'ów, aplikacji mobilnych czy nowoczesnej aparatury medycznej. Dzięki wizjonerstwu i ciężkiej pracy naukowców z całego świata, możemy dziś komunikować się ze sobą w świecie wirtualnym, ulepszać swoje ciało sztucznymi wszczepkami i snuć coraz realniejsze wizje świata rodem z filmów science-fiction. Jesteśmy świadkami szalonej rewolucji technologicznej i większość z nas bierze w niej udział, nawet nieświadomie. Na marcowym spotkaniu TEDxKrakówSalon porozmawialiśmy o technologii i jej wpływie na człowieka.


We can all agree there’s no shortage of viral videos, trending hashtags, and the constant buy-sell-resell pattern with our newest (and already “old school”) smartphones. But are we truly turning into mindless consumers, who might soon be left behind by the very technologies on which we have come to rely? Are we really using all these resources to their full potential, or are we maybe squandering all this power, right at our fingertips, too preoccupied with likes, friends, and followers, to notice it all starting to slowly slip away beyond our grasp? On Thursday, March 10, TEDxKrakowSalon set out to talk about one of the most complicated relationships we know — between humans and technology. We examined what developments have occurred to date, reflected on potential developments are ahead of us, and, more importantly, we opened up a critical conversation on technology and attempted to bridge the gap between those who create it, those who really know it, and those who simply use it.

Krakowski Park Technologiczny
ul. Podole 60
Krakow, Małopolskie, 30-394
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Kraków­Salon events

Organizing team


Krakow, Poland


Krakow, Poland