x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
May 9, 2016
10:00am - 3:00pm EET
(UTC +2hrs)
Nahda university, Banī Suwayf

For English Scroll down.
• ماذا تعني "تيد" ؟
هي اختصار لتكنولوجيا، ترفيه وتصميم
وهي مؤسسة غير ربحية شعارها "الأفكار تستحق الانتشار".
• يعمل تيدإكس جامعة النهضة على طرح ونشر الأفكار الملهمه والمميزة والتي نتمنى أن تعمل على تغير واقعنا للأفضل , كثيراً ما نسمع عن أشخاص أصحاب إختراعات أو إبتكارات وقصص قد تؤثر في عالمنا للأفضل و لكن للأسف لم يتطرق إليهم أحد وبسبب عدم دعمهم ونشر أفكارهم إنتهى بهم الحال للتوقف عن التفكير والإبداع والتخلي عن أفكارهم وبالتالي توقف عجلة التنمية والتقدم والإبداع .
ومن هنا كان دور منظمة TED من خلال مؤتمرات TEDx في تسليط الضوء على الأفكار الإبداعية في العالم أجمع , من خلال تنظيم مؤتمرات سنوية في أماكن مختلفة من العالم تعمل على عرض كافة الأفكار الإبداعية الموجوده في هذه المنطقة ليتم تبنيها فيما بعد والعمل بها لتنمية هذه المنطقة و العالم كله ولكي تتحرك عجلة التنمية بشكل متسارع .
ولهذا كان لابد من تنظيم ثاني مؤتمر لتيدإكس جامعة النهضة في جامعة النهضة ببني سويف , لطرح كافة الأفكار التي تستحق أن تنشر وتقديم الدعم والمساعدة والإهتمام لأصحاب هذه الإفكار ليعم الإبداع والتقدم .
• لماذا إخترنا موضوع الـ " لامتماثل " لهذا العام ؟
في حياتنا اليومية العديد من الأشكال المتماثلة والتي ظلت لفترة طويلة محوراً لإهتمام الرسامين والفنانين وحتى المعمارين , حيث أن الأشكال ذات محور التناظر الثابت كانت دائماً هي المفضلة بالنسبة إليهم للتعبير عن الجمال أو عن الإتزان في الأعمال الفنية , فقد كان الرأي السائد أن الإختلاف في النسق الواحد يؤدي إلى الفوضى أوعدم التكامل , يقول دنيس كارمايكل, رئيس الجمعية الامريكية لمهندسى الطبيعة " اللاتناظر لا تعنى الفوضى.بل هي طريقة مختلفة لتحقيق التوازن. " ..
ومن هنا وقع إختيارنا لمصطلح الـ " لاتناظر " للتعبير عن أن للجمال معايير ومقاييس أخرى
, تماماً كعلومنا الحديثة , فالسير على النهج التقليدي والتفكير بشكل موازي للعلوم القديمة ليس السبيل للوصول للإبداع , بل إن الوصول لناتج إبداعي غير تقليدي يحتاج أيضاً لطريقة تفكير إبداعية غير تقليدية .
• المكان: مسرح جامعة النهضة، جامعة النهضة، بني سويف .
• موعد المؤتمر: الثلاثاء ، 9 مايو 2016 .
• بداية الؤتمر: تسجيل الحضـور الساعة 9 صباحاً .

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Non Profit Organization aimed to Ideas Worth Spreading
(Technology, Entertainment and Design)
TEDxNahdaU Event is the second Event for Us in Benisuef
Our 2nd. Event theme is
Everything in the life has two parts or we may say two faces or even two genders,
There is a man and there is a woman, ground and sky, day and night. This is our universe and so are we.
Look at the mirror you can see right and left of every inch of you, it looks symmetric in shape but asymmetric in the job but the fact is, both of them shape all of you and each part obviously completes the other. If the sides are different, that's asymmetry. This concept can apply to relationships too. We cannot live in all day nor all night. each part of our brains gives us a different perspective that assembles the whole vision.
Asymmetry, says Dennis Carmichael, president of the American Society of Landscape Architects, "doesn't mean chaos. It means a different way of achieving balance."

Nahda university, Banī Suwayf
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Nahda­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ahmed Abu ElHaz

Ahmed Abo Elhaz Ahmed has graduted from Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Started his 1st startup in February 2014 "Shezlong". Shezlong is an affordable, anonymous online psychotherapy platform with professional, licensed therapists, wherever and whenever you need help. Patient is always safe in his private space with his therapist who is waiting to help him make a real, lasting difference in his life Ahmed is a highly motivated and marketing developer, also he was "Director of Marketing at Nasher Media" then "Manager Business Development"

Ahmed Zakarya

Ahmed Zakarya Ahmed has a Bachelor Degree from Shoubra Faculty of Engineering and is CEO&Founder at ZakEida for Contracting and Decorations. Ahmed was participated at Ma'an NGO for Preparing youth for labor market. Ahmed was one of the of representatives in April 2014 Euro-Mediterranean Youth Meeting for Social Entrepreneurship exchange in Barcelona,Spain. In Summer 2013 was MEPI Student Leader at Georgetown University in Washington DC. USA and he was honored by U.S. Embassy and U.S. Department for Participating MENA Leader in Dead Sea, Jordan . Ahmed has an Entrepreneur at INJAZ Egypt. He is CO-Founder Ana Awla Bhlawtha Keep Calm & Discover Egypt.

Eslam Bioud

Islam , Graduated form faculty of Pharmacy, Assuit university in 2014 he works as a communication officer at a career center . During his college he was interested in student activities, he had achieved many accomplishments the most important one, he represented Egypt in the International Championship of Debating for universities of Arabic Language (Doha, 2013) won title ” one of the best ten speakers”. He also won the Elections of Egyptian Universities Parliament, which announced him as President of this Parliament 2014-15 Islam had been the Ideal Student in his university Islam, worked in many programs with many international organizations especially in fundraising activities

Mohammed Moharram

Mohammed Hesham Moharram Graduated from Faculty of Literature, Spanish Language Department Cairo University. Moharram is a journalist and editor Chief in the Football Grinta website. He is also a vice Editor chief in kora line before. He has a page entitled “Mohammed Hesham Moharram Articles”. Which is considered one of the sports journals that concerns about literary and art of sports. Moharram has initiated his project of Grinta Football in order to educate the Arab sports fans and to facilitate travel issues. He has won the title of the Best Negotiation and Delegate from Cimal American University in Cairo.

Zeinab Essam

Zainab is a student at Faculty of veterinary Beni-suef , she was interested in scientific research , then she started researching in Nanotechnology and that made her the youngest Egyptian academic researcher . She's also member at scientific research committee and Arab African counsil for takeful and development and she's also member at Egyptian inventors syndicate . She got a lot of Awards and has been honored by a lot of associations because of her searches in treatment of cancer by platinum and electromagntic waves without surgery .

Organizing team


Minia, Egypt


Minia , Egypt
  • Mohamed Almashad