x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Changing Perceptions

This event occurred on
June 3, 2016
Taichung, Taichung

It's time to Move Taiwan Forward, it's time for Changing Perceptions.

Music Department
Taiwan Boulevard Section 4
Taichung, Taichung, 407
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Tunghai­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

張盈智 Kevin Zhang

為國際知名結構技師土木結構雙技師、築遠工程顧問有限公司負責人,在建築業上擁有豐富的經歷並有許多代表作,例如: 高雄翠華橋、內湖文德派出所、元智大學有庠大樓等。 當一座建築物被設計出來,它將存在100 年。如果它對這個環境不是友善的或是它的設計沒有為世界帶來美的靈感呢? 相較於傳統對於建築物的既定印象,張技師對於如何讓建物更貼近自然、生活有不同的創新與發想。藉由分享他的經歷,張技師將帶來建築師不為人知的一面。


土生土長台中人,建國市場雞販的孩子,看見中 區的繁華與沒落,畢業設計以宮原眼科為藍圖,將中區老舊建築改造、賦予新的生命,使它們能夠訴說台中的故事、吟唱他對這塊土地的認同。

蘇民 SuMin

蘇民為虛擬社群 CxCITY 召集人,以設計思考的公民性參與作為出發點,運用台灣境內與境外進行式,企圖以一連串持續的過程建構文化符號,並透過公眾參與,提供未來想像 Su Min is the founder of the virtual group CxCITY. CxCITY pushes for a new type of design and cultural diplomacy, and is eager to construct our own cultural symbol. By involving civilians to participate a series of cultural symbol making process, we expend our imaginations of the future.

Bill Stimson

在取得博士學位並教書多年後,William 決定離 開學術界並追尋他對於創作的熱情。然而,他卻驚 訝 的發現,他無法依循著自己的感覺進行創作。為了彌 補這個不足之處,他決定藉由紀錄並分析自己的夢境, 來解決這個問題。 經過多年,William 開始對「夢」受到吸引, 並創立了紐約美國夢境社區團隊以及於 The Dream Network 網站發行數篇有關夢的文章開始他對於「夢」 的行動。 同時,William 接受與傳承了夢境精神學家 Montague Ullman 對於藉由夢境團隊讓大眾對夢有 所感知的方法訓練。他將如此的能力,與他的妻子於 2004 年施於台灣。

Brook Hall

Brook Hall founded and serves as Artistic Director of Butterfly Effect Theatre Company- a non-profit in Taipei. It seeks to bring together people from Taiwan and all over the world to produce exciting, relevant theatre, serving as both a platform for local talent and as a showcase for the best of international theatre. 何俊希為蝴蝶效應劇團的創辦人與藝術總監。創立於台北的蝴蝶效應劇團為非營利組織,著重聯合台灣與世界各地劇場人,製作讓人振奮、切合當代議題的劇場作品,讓本地人才有揮灑的舞台,也讓享譽國際的創作有在台演出的空間。

Prashantha Lachanna

畢業於南非 Matthew Kenney 學院,Prashantha Lachanna 擔任《裸食廚房》的主廚、負責人與教學的 工作。她覺得跟裸食的相遇是個很自然的過程,因為 當時她正在尋找能夠讓自己持續實行健康的生活方式。 經過一段時間的親身體驗,Prashantha Lachanna 強 烈感受生機飲食為身體帶來的正向改變與鼓勵之後, 她便透過設立《裸食私廚》生機飲食工作坊,將生機 飲食的概念分享給他人,讓大家知道藉由食物,生活 可以過得很健康、快樂。Prashantha Lachanna 在大 學主修表演藝術,裸食廚藝的展現也很自然地成為她 表達對藝術熱愛的媒介。 Graduated from the Matthew Kenney Culinary Academy, Prashantha Lachanna has been a raw food chef and teacher for the past few years. Her introduction to raw cuisine occurred naturally as she was looking for consistently healthier ways eat and sustain herself. Experiencing raw cuisine and seeing its e ects on her body encouraged her to learn as much and as fast she could. Since her university degree was a Bachelor of Arts in Performance Arts, it was natural to her that she expresses her love toward raw food in the form of art.

Tammy Turner 唐敏

1986 年從美國來到台灣,唐敏學習中文、成為知名的翻譯人員,同時也成為精粹有限公司的創辦人之一和資深合夥人。精粹公司目前已經成為受各界肯定的多國語言媒體服務機構。唐敏除了投身於企業活動之外,也是一位滿懷熱忱用心研究台灣自然環境的人物,積極支持社會及環保團體。目前她熱情投入台灣的樸門教育及社區營造工作,期望重新帶領人們建立彼此以及與大自然的關係。

William R. Stimson, Ph.D.

William R. Stimson, is a Columbia University Ph.D. in biology who became interested in creativity and dreams. He apprenticed under Montague Ullman, M.D., who devised a group process that lets dreamers figure out dreams based merely on what is unfolding in their lives at the moment. In Taiwan he introduced Ullman’s group approach to dreams as a university course. In this course everything students learn, they learn from making sense of their own dreams. What they learn is that they are far more perceptive, self-aware, and creatively innovative than they thought. 威廉.史汀生是紐約哥倫比亞大學生物學博士,興趣於創造力與夢的研究。他跟隨蒙提.歐曼學習用小團體的方法讀夢,讓作夢者能根據當下生活的脈絡理解自己的夢。在台灣,他將歐曼讀夢方法引進大學課程,學生從理解自己夢與他人夢的過程中,學習更深的洞識力、自我覺察、與創意。

王偉華 Andrew Wang

畢業於東海大學工業工程學系,王偉華回到母校、偕同對教育改革有理想的師生們創立博雅書院。「博雅教育」不僅是機械式地教導既定的課程,而是透過在書院中的導師、學長姐、書院生們、這些不可或缺「人」的因數,相互分享正向價值觀與信念,在知識領域中熱切追求、自由學習,並且培養對於所處生活環境自發性的關懷,從實踐中理解我們與這個世界的連結與關係。王偉華將以他在書院與師生互動的經歷與啟發,分享他對教育可以帶來不平凡力量的想法。 Graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Andrew Wang returned to Tunghai University, accompanied by teachers and students who committed themselves to educational reform, founded the liberal arts college, Poya School. "Liberal art education" is not only mechanically teaching the established curriculum, but through the mutual sharing of positive values and beliefs between tutors, seniors and students, the indispensable "people" factor, as well as pursuing knowledge aggressively and freely, and at last cultivate care for the living environment in order to understand our relationship with the world.Andrew Wang will share his experience and inspiration in Poya School to open our eyes towardhow extraordinary the power of education can be.

Organizing team


Taichung And Taipei, Taiwan


Taichung and Taipei, Taiwan