x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
August 1, 2015
7:00pm - 10:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taipei City, Taipei

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Taipei EXPO Park, EXPO Hall
No. 1, Yumen St.
Zhongshan District
Taipei City, Taipei, 104
Event type:
Education (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei­E­D events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

仙角百老匯 Hondao Seniors on Broadway

In 2012, Hondao Senior Citizen's Welfare Foundation launched a new initiative called “Seniors on Broadway”. Performers of this group are senior citizens who may or may not have prior musical or stage training, but they all have the willingness and determination to learn new talents as octogenarians or nonagenarians. These seniors exemplify the term, “as long as your keep trying, dreams never get old!” ---------- 「有時不是我們老去,是我們忘了心中那個青春的自己。我們記不起舞步、無法輕盈的跳躍,但是我們將要綻放光采。」 仙角百老匯的成員們,沒有健壯或苗條的身體可以支撐起華麗的舞蹈,但平均年齡將近八十歲的他們,有著一顆不老的心。一舉一動,不是歲月的痕跡,是自信和尊嚴......總有一天我們也會年華老去,五十年後,我們也能像仙角的演員們一樣,在舞台上閃耀光芒嗎? 世上所有的東西,可能都會衰老褪色,但仙角百老匯要告訴你:「世上唯一不老的,就是我們躍動的青春夢想!」

余浩瑋 Yu Hao-Wei

Hao-Wei grew up as a troubled teen and a middle-school drop-out. His anger and distrust in Taiwan's education system slowly transformed as he found words of encouragement from his drama teacher. Since then, he has turned angst into activism by launching "Teenager Performing Arts League", an NPO dedicated to teaching performance arts to underprivileged or at-risk youths. ------------ 「曾經,我們被社會拋棄,我們只好遺棄世界」一個作家曾如此描寫被封建社會所遺忘的日本浪人們,而這又何嘗不是余浩瑋前半段人生的寫照?鬥毆、蹺家、問題少年......中輟的社會浪子被貼著標籤,卻沒有人在乎中輟生們叛逆中的無助。 余浩瑋的苦難,在戲劇中得到了解藥:他從表演藝術中找到了價值與成就、自信與驕傲。而現在,他不只要找回如斷線風箏般飄盪在社會中的中輟生們,更要讓他們在劇場中找到出路,在青少年表演藝術聯盟找到未來! 這次就讓我們隨著回頭浪子余浩瑋的腳步,看見戲劇感動心靈、改變人生的力量!

張輝誠 Huicheng Zhang

Huicheng Zhang is a Chinese literature teacher at Taipei's Zhongshan Girls' High School who has redefined how literature should be taught in Taiwan. As the force behind "Flipping Chinese" pedagogy, his methodology of encouraging students to "learn, consider, and communicate" is a bottoms-up approach where most of the time is reserved for students to engage in self-guided learning, in-depth analysis and discussions. Zhang also regularly shares his findings online, as a way to exchange ideas with other teachers and educators on what works (and doesn't). So far his flipped learning concept has attracted more than four hundred teachers from all over Taiwan to come as observers to his classroom. -------- 我們記憶中的國文課是什麼樣子?國小背著不明白的唐詩三百首、國中寫著強說愁的作文、高中考著論語孟子,大江東去浪淘盡? 學、思、達三個字,是張輝誠教學時的一切,那代表著:學習、思辨、表達。張輝誠老師對國文到近乎瘋狂的熱愛,這次要翻轉填鴨式教學、顛覆考試的壓力,不再盲從教綱、不再只為考試讀書,他要讓國文課從此不同,讓學習從此沒有界限! 究竟是靠著什麼樣的創新,可以使學生愛國文到不願意下課?是因為有了多大的突破,可以讓來自各地,400名老師慕名前來觀課?輝誠老師熱情與堅持的狂熱,將說明一切!

郝廣才 Kuang-Tsai Hao

Mr. Hao is a renowned children's book author, publisher, and advocate. His passion for books, storytelling, and education has motivated him to write and publish over hundreds of books for adults and children. Mr. Hao wishes to make reading the best form of entertainment for both parents and kids alike, as he sincerely believes that many of the world's problems stem from folks who didn't develop a habit of reading at a young age. ------------------ 美國《出版人週刊》稱郝廣才為「台灣與國際繪本界接軌的推手」,多次受到國內外多項大獎的肯定,其所創立的格林文化更是台灣第一家結合全球335位一流插畫家、以高畫質兒童繪本著稱的專業出版社。 精美的插圖、遇上充滿韻味的文字,郝廣才讓台灣兒童書進入全新的繪本時代。其作品如《大象男孩與機器女孩》、《不老騎士》,文字的旋律帶我們進入想像力豐富的情節中,卻又能深刻的引導孩子認識人生的各種面貌;更在《愛是愛情的愛》、《好好照顧我的花》中,以溫柔的文字,讓原本象徵童心的繪本也能安慰煩惱的大人世界...... 「閱讀是最好的遊戲,繪本是最好的玩具。」,這次就讓郝廣才帶著你,看見那奇幻的繪本世界!

黃國珍 Maurice Huang

Maurice Huang is a design thinker and an advocator of adolescent literacy. He serves as the founder of Wisdom Hall, an educational service for developing key competencies for both teachers and students to apply deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills in reading. To Maurice, reading is a fundamental skill that will help students and adults make sound and logical decisions. ------ 黃國珍說:「我們若忽視閱讀素養教育,台灣的孩子將會失去面對未來挑戰的能力!現在的教育不缺知識學習,但是缺乏從閱讀中培養擷取、應用、統整、思辨、追尋答案並提出問題的能力!」 從成立品學堂到創辦《閱讀理解》雜誌的每一個行動與內容的設計,都是要讓孩子有能力「閱讀生活、理解世界」進而有創造未來的條件。面對越來越不確定的未來,過往「知識就是力量」的思維將難以解釋當前教育所肩負的任務,孩子現在需要的是在學習閱讀中培養「將知識轉化成力量的能力」。 「閱讀」背後所包含的能力素養是當前各國教育改革共同的核心,我們可以對世界的改變視而不見,但是世界不會因為我們停止改變,這才是台灣教育要面對的問題!

Organizing team


Taipei City, Taiwan