The Hidden Agenda
The Hidden Agenda is a six-piece live hip hop band that brings a grooving mix of melodic rhymes, soul and moving beats. A warm welcome in a bath of funky bass, jazzy sounds and laid-back beats.
Alexander de Groot
Entrepreneur. Former sales manager - Alexander quit his full time job to invest all his time and effort in Sheltersuit and their foundation.
Arent Weevers
Arent Weevers is student chaplain at Saxion University of Applied Sciences. He's (co)founder and developer of an inspirational minor and training course. And as if he wasn't busy enough, he is also an artist. It wouldn't come as a big surprise then that his work is focused on the relationship between religion and art and media art and spirituality in particular.
Bas Timmer
Bas Timmer was born in the city of Enschede, the Netherlands. After he went to school at ROC de Maere in his hometown, he studied both Fashion Design and Fine Art at ArtEZ. Ever since, he has developed a strong preference for implementing cultural influences in his designs.
Cordula Klein Goldewijk
Cordula Klein Goldewijk is a singer songwriter and a Complete Vocal Technique Teacher. She plays uplifting music, bringing 2 guitars, piano, 2 backing singers and a cello.
Gijs Huisman
Gijs Huisman is a PhD Student at the University of Twente. In his PhD work he focuses on mediated social touch and emotions. Prior to his PhD position, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science, and a cum laude Master’s degree in Communication Studies: New Media, Research, and Design.
Hanneke Tel
Hanneke Tel is a Fashion & Textile Management student at Saxion University of Applied Sciences and she is also an entrepreneur. "From being the scared person in the background, to starting your own business."
Joos Buizer
Joos Buizer lived in the Netherlands, but decided in 2015 to move to India to pursue her dream. She lives on only 4 hours sleep a day.
Pema Gurung
Pema Gurung was born in Nepal but is now living in the Netherlands. He recently finished his Bachelor of Business Administration at Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Pema’s TEDx talk is an incredible personal story and cultural analysis: life between two worlds that could not be more different.
Shandrick Elodia
Shandrick Elodia, an industrial designer from Enschede - born in Curacao, made it his mission to make poverty cool. He designs products that are cool, sustainable and accessible.
Thomas van der Meer
Thomas is a Human Resource Management student at Saxion University of Applied Sciences and an entrepreneur. He overcame a depression.