Alisha Holloway
Dr. Alisha Holloway is the Director of the Gladstone Institutes’ Bioinformatics Core in San Francisco, CA. She is a leader in the field of bioinformatics, which she uses alongside genomic approaches to study the evolution of heart development. She also serves as the Bioinformatics Leader of the Bench to Bassinet consortium, which develops and evaluates tools for large-scale DNA-sequence analysis.
Alvaro Huerta
Dr. Alvaro Huerta is an Assistant Professor at Cal Poly Pomona with a joint appointment in Urban & Regional Planning and Ethnic & Women’s Studies. While he earned his B.A. (history) and M.A. (urban planning) from UCLA, he also earned his doctorate (city & regional planning) from UC Berkeley. His work is at the crossroads of community development, economic development, social movements, Chicana/o—Latina/o studies, and more. He is the author of the book Reframing the Latino Immigration Debate: Towards a Humanistic Paradigm. Married to his wife Antonia, Dr. Huerta is the son of Mexican immigrants from the beautiful state of Michoacán.
Ari Saperstein
Ari Saperstein (Pitzer College '15) is one of two winners of the 2015 TEDxClaremontColleges Student Speaker Competition, earning him a spot at the 2015 TEDx conference. Previously, he attended the Edmund Burke School in Washington D.C. and the Iowa Young Writers' Workshop.
Daayiee Abdullah
Imam Daayiee Abdullah, a religious leader, a scholar in Shari’ah Sciences and Qur'anic Interpretation, he is Founder and President of MECCA Institute, an online inclusive and progressive Islamic theological school. Imam Daayiee teaches an inclusive Islamic liberation theology and interpretation of Qur’an. He resides in Washington, DC.
Edward Kame'enui
Dr. Edward J. Kame'enui is the Dean-Knight Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Oregon, where he is Founding Director of the Center on Teaching and Learning. His areas of expertise include early literacy research, school-wide reading improvement, and the design of high quality education materials. Dr. Kame’enui has spoken at the White House and directed two major national reading initiatives. For more information, see:
Jamila Johnson
Jamila Johnson is a Shareholder at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, a Pacific Northwest law firm. She works in the area of constitutional litigation, public policy, and government affairs in the Seattle, WA office. She serves on the boards of many legal and social organizations, including ACLU of Washington.
Natasha Stavros
Dr. Stavros is an Earth Systems scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory where she currently works on two projects: (1) the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, which maps global soil moisture and territorial carbon flux, and (2) studying wildfire drivers, behavior and effects using the latest remote sensing technologies. Integrating knowledge and expertise across disciplines she studies the Earth System including statistics, terrestrial ecology, fire ecology, carbon, environmental sustainability, and climate change. Dr. Stavros is passionate about communicating science effectively to the public.
Olivia Warren
Olivia Warren majored in materials chemistry at Harvey Mudd College and currently works as a business analyst at Deloitte in San Francisco. She was one of two winners of the 2015 TEDxClaremontColleges Student Speaker Competition. Her professional experience includes chemical engineering, materials science, physics research, and industrial phase zero product development.
Rachel Mayeri
Rachel Mayeri is a Los Angeles-based artist and professor of media studies at Harvey Mudd College. Her videos, installations, and writing projects lie at the intersection of science and art, exploring topics such as cloning, primate psychology, and the history of special effects. Her films have been featured at the Sundance Film Festival, the Edinburgh Festival of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denmark, MoMA PS1 in New York, and more. In her recent project Apes As Family, Mayeri collaborated with comparative psychologist Dr. Sarah-Jane Vick to study chimpanzees' reactions to television.