For TED2015, we're on a quest to magnify both facets. We will seek to challenge and reshape our core beliefs about today's reality. And at the same time celebrate the thinkers, dreamers and mavericks who offer bold new alternatives. Welcome to ... Truth and Dare.
This is a near-live screening of brand new TED Talks from the TED 2015 Conference in Vancouver. This event is open to the public and there is no charge to attend.
-Alan Eustace leapt to Earth from the edge of the stratosphere wearing only a spacesuit, shattering skydiving records and potentially revolutionizing the commercial space industry.
-Fred Jansen: As manager of the Rosetta mission, Fred Jansen is in charge of the project that could be instrumental in uncovering clues to the origins of life on Earth.
-Sara Seager’s research led to the first discovery of an atmosphere on a planet outside our solar system. Now she’s on the hunt for a twin Earth.
-Nathalie Cabrol:To determine how life might persist on Mars, Nathalie Cabrol explores one of Earth’s most extreme environments: high-elevation Andean lakes and deserts.
-Stephen Petranek untangles emerging technologies to predict which will become fixtures of our future lives -- and which could potentially save them.
-Anand Giridharadas writes about people and cultures caught amid the great forces of our time.
-Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley: In 1962, Dame "Steve" Shirley founded the FI Group, a software firm with innovative work practices -- and (mainly) women employees.
-Martine Rothblatt: Whether she’s inventing satellite radio, developing life-saving drugs or digitizing the human mind, Martine Rothblatt has a knack for turning visionary ideas into commonplace technology.
-Dave Isay: Over thousands of archived and broadcast interviews, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay has created an unprecedented document of the dreams and fears that touch us all.
-Joey Alexander: Young piano player Joey Alexander has an old soul's gift for jazz.
This event is brought to you through our partnership with ArtScience Museum, Marina Bay Sands.