x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Business for a Better World

This event occurred on
May 8, 2014
7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
(UTC -4hrs)
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
United States

How can business organize itself to meaningfully address big-picture problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change--primarily by thinking differently about resources?

Turning hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and pending climate catastrophe into planetary balance are all based on looking at resources - who has how much, how it's used, how the waste products are disposed of. Business, as both a creator of the problems and a cradle for innovation, can facilitate these transitions. Shel Horowitz of Hadley, MA shows us how.

Admission is free.
The deli at McCusker's Market will be open to purchase food and drink.

The general format of the night is designed by the guest Curator, Daniel Leiberman, and/or to include a presentation by one featured live Speaker, viewing of 2-3 TED talk videos supporting the theme, and facilitated discussion. Stacy Kontrabecki, TEDxShelburneFalls' Curator & Organizer, will oversee.

About TEDxSalons A TEDx Salon is a small, recurring event that can be held monthly, quarterly or at other intervals. A minimum of three events must be held a year to qualify as a Salon license. At a Salon, attendees can watch TED Talks, host a few speakers and have informal discussions about the recorded TED Talks. TEDx Salon events (unlike standard, corporate and university events) may focus on a single subject area and feature as many as (but no more than) four live speakers.

3 State Street
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, 01370
United States
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Shelburne­Falls­Salon events

Organizing team