TEDCity2.0 is a day-long TED event for urban innovators, organizers, stewards and builders - with live speakers, global conversations and activities.
TEDxPeachtree will livestream the TEDCity2.0 anchor event taking place in New York City and invite you to join us all-day or for part of the day to envision our collective City of the Future and share big ideas about collaborative action and sustainable solutions.
Wanted: Moderators to facilitate conversation around the livestream throughout the day. Contact us at http://tedxpeachtree.com/contact/
About the TEDCity2.0 Anchor Event
TEDCity2.0 will commence at the TimesCenter in New York City from 9am-5pm EST. Co-curated and co-hosted by Chris Anderson, John Cary, and Courtney Martin, the event will surface stories of urban ingenuity and interdependence from across the globe, and feature an unexpected mix of over 20 speakers, including several 2012 City 2.0 Award winners.
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed will be featured as part of the roster in New York City in the morning. To see the full list of speakers and for additional information about TEDCity2.0, please go to http://www.ted.com/pages/attend_tedcity2
Seats are limited, so please check the schedule above and register for the sessions you can attend.