Siphumeze Khundayi is founder and artistic director of HOLAAfrica, sparking conversations about sex and sexuality.

Why you should listen

Siphumeze Khundayi has found art to be a great tool for her to explore and express who she is. So she makes art about the experiences of African women and their sexuality. When she is not creating and performing, she is founder and Artistic Director of HOLAAfrica, where she gets to facilitate dialogues and make sure the site is looking pretty while annoying the curator for taking ages to reply to emails. She also dedicates her life to floating through the world having conversations with the universe, struggling through yoga poses, meditating, blowing bubbles and playing Candy Crush.

Siphumeze Khundayi’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Siphumeze Khundayi

Live from TEDWomen

The power of partnership: Notes from Session 3 of TEDWomen … Connect

November 2, 2017

Our hosts for this session, Jean Oelwang and Chris Waddell, are life partners who’ve both had to overcome their inclination to be a solo superhero — to be the best at business, school, sports. Jean spent her career climbing the corporate ladder, being tough, making her way to the top alone. Meanwhile, Chris was a […]

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