Sarah Aviram helps people tap into their motivation and thrive at work during times of change.

Why you should listen

Sarah Aviram thought that having the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere would make her feel happier and more motivated at work -- but she still felt stuck and unfulfilled. Through interviews, focus groups and surveys she conducted, as well as her human resources expertise, she identified the key motivators that drive our fulfillment no matter where we're located. She believes that when individuals understand and take ownership of their own motivation, they can truly thrive during times of change and uncertainty.

Aviram is an employee engagement consultant and former Fortune 500 HR and talent development leader from companies like PepsiCo and Avon. She’s created and delivered leadership development programs, keynote talks and workshops to more than 50,000 people at companies like Google, American Express and Bank of America. She has an MBA in leadership and change management from NYU Stern School of Business, where she’s also a guest lecturer on the topic of managing change and uncertainty. After working remotely from 12 countries in 12 months in 2019, researching the future of work, she published the bestselling book Remotivation: The Remote Worker’s Ultimate Guide to Life-Changing Fulfillment.

Sarah Aviram’s TED talk