Mark Mortensen is a professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD and an expert on the changing nature of work and collaboration.

Why you should listen

Having studied remote, hybrid and global work since the late 1990s, Mark Mortensen's pioneering research helps organizations capture the benefits of these complex forms of collaboration while minimizing the significant challenges they pose. Recently, Mortensen has been helping organizations rethink their employee value proposition; boosting retention, engagement and performance through a data-driven approach to optimizing the alignment between what employees want and what their organizations provide.

Mortensen publishes regularly in management outlets like Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review and INSEAD Knowledge, where the impact of his work has been recognized through awards like the 2022 Beckhard Memorial Prize for the most outstanding article on organizational development. He is also a regular fixture in popular press outlets like the BBC, Economist, Financial Times and Fortune. Prior to joining INSEAD, Mortensen was on the faculty at the MIT-Sloan School of Management and McGill University School of Management.

(Photo: Evgenia Eliseeva)

Mark Mortensen’s TED talk