Gay Gordon-Byrne

Right-to-repair advocate
Gay Gordon-Byrne fights for your right to repair the consumer goods you buy.

Why you should listen

After a 40-year career in enterprise computing, Gay Gordon-Byrne is now an advocate for the right to repair the things we buy. Equipment manufacturers make it difficult for businesses and consumers to buy essential repair parts and tools, leaving consumers with no option other than to throw away, buy new or go without. This travesty spurred her to volunteer for a committee seeking to keep the business of repair viable which became the start of The Digital Right to Repair Coalition, where she has been the executive director since its founding in 2013.

The Coalition has successfully instigated legislation in more than 30 states, has been a driving force in improving copyright law, been a key factor in working with the Federal Trade Commission and currently is working with both state and federal legislators to pass "Right to Repair" bills.

Gay Gordon-Byrne’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Gay Gordon-Byrne

Live from TEDMonterey

Urban possibility: Notes from Session 6 of TEDMonterey

August 3, 2021

With much of the world’s population living in large, congested cities, urban life can get messy. Session 6 brings together six speakers who are solving the inefficiencies of city dwelling and finding new, smarter ways to live together — from futuristic transportation to transformative early education and an ingenious plan to combat e-waste. The event: […]

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