Darrick Hamilton

Stratification economist
Darrick Hamilton crafts and implements innovative routes and policies that break down social hierarchy and move society towards greater equity, inclusion and civic participation.

Why you should listen

Darrick Hamilton is a pioneer and internationally recognized scholar in the field of stratification economics, which fuses social science methods to examine the causes, consequences and remedies of racial, gender, ethnic, tribal, nativity, etc. inequality in education, economic and health outcomes.

Hamilton'ss scholarship and practice, as well as his experience as a professor of economics and director of the doctoral program in public and urban policy at The New School, aligns closely to the work and objectives of The Ohio State University's Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. He will assume leadership of the nationally renowned research institute on January 1, 2019. In addition to serving as Kirwan's executive director, Hamilton will hold a faculty appointment in Ohio State's John Glenn College of Public Affairs, with courtesy appointments in the departments of economics and sociology within the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Hamilton was born and raised in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, NY. He is a graduate of Oberlin College and earned a PhD in economics from the University of North Carolina. He completed postdoctoral appointments at the University of Michigan and Yale University, respectively. He is a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and a National Advisory Committee member of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Policies for Action, Policy and Law Research Program to Build a Culture of Health.

Darrick Hamilton’s TED talk

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