Cohen Bradley

Master of ceremonies
As a Haida cultural ambassador, traditional performer, master of ceremonies, writer and Indigenous guide, Cohen Bradley melds culture and tourism.

Why you should listen

Cohen Bradley is proud to hold the names of Taaydal ("coming in big") and Gidin Kuns ("powerful eagle") in his clan and nation of the Haida people. His passion for stories told in their many forms began when he was a child, in the potlatch house, and the legends and traditions of his ancestors have guided his work ever since. He began working in tourism at a young age and was given opportunities to study the oral histories and cultures of many First Nations. These experiences fuel his dedication to support the restoration of traditional practices in the modern context.

Cohen Bradley’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Cohen Bradley


Open: The talks of TED@DestinationCanada

March 13, 2023

When we come together with open hearts and open minds, anything is possible. It was in this spirit that TED partnered with Destination Canada for a day of talks and performances featuring new ideas on living, seeing the world and reimagining our shared future. The event: TED@DestinationCanada: Open is the first event TED and Destination […]

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