Caroline Catlin's research in behavioral health and developmental trauma has inspired her to incorporate art into the process of caregiving and therapy, as well as to work on reforming the way health, illness and disability are portrayed in the media. She is fueled most by gratitude, community and sour candy.

Why you should listen

Growing up in rural Vermont, Caroline Catlin learned at an early age to value connection, community, and nature. In elementary school, she started writing because she loved stories and books, and wanted to learn how to tell her own. She learned photography in high school, because she found hersel seeing in frames, and wanted a way to show others what she saw.

Catlin was privileged enough to be supported by many amazing mentors and teachers, and lucky enough to be told to “keep going” at all the right moments. She's spent much of her professional life trying to find a way to simultaneously do all of the things she loves. Her background studying and working in behavioral health and developmental trauma has deeply informed the way she approach every aspect of my career and personal life. Shecares deeply about issues related to foster care, the medical system, accommodations and accessibility for disabled folks and the importance of creating space for hard conversations in order to create change.

Catlin's community means the world to her, and she hope that she is able to continue to give to them as much as they have given to her.

Caroline Catlin’s TED talk