Environmental studies: Climate Change

TED Studies, created in collaboration with Wiley, are curated video collections — supplemented by rich educational materials — for students, educators and self-guided learners. In Climate Change, speakers give talks that boldly illuminate the nature and scale of current-day climate science, policy and ethics. They explore the economics and psychology of individual and collective action — or inaction — on climate change in order to assess the costs of our choices and opportunities for change. Relevant areas of interest, study and coursework include: ecology, atmospheric science, oceanography, glaciology, energy development, environmental policy, science in the media, political science, ethics, sociology, behavioral psychology and cultural studies.

Learning outcomes

TED's Climate Change will enable learners to:

  • Understand that climate is not only a scientific issue, but also one of politics/policy and values/ethics
  • Understand scientific uncertainty around climate change and the ways in which it has been used to fuel the climate controversy
  • Recognize that there is a distribution of relevant expert views on climate change depending on which aspect of climate change is under consideration
  • Recognize that climate policies at the international, national and local scales are entrenched in issues of economics, politics and justice
  • Understand that climate policies at all scales need to account for differences in culture, history, geography, politics and economics.

Relevant talks

About the educators

TED Studies professor: Maxwell Boykoff

Maxwell Boykoff is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Science and Technology Policy at the University of Colorado-Boulder, where his research interests include climate adaptation, cultural politics and environmental governance.

TED Studies professor: Kanmani Venkateswaran

Kanmani Venkateswaran is a graduate student in Environmental Studies at CU-Boulder, where she’s working with the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Center to examine anticipatory climate management in Zambia for her thesis research.

About TED Studies

TED Studies created in partnership with
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Each TED Study offers a curated and sequenced set of TED Talks, along with specially commissioned materials for teaching and self-guided learning. Created by world class experts, they cover topics ranging from "Understanding Happiness" to "Covering World News" to "Ecofying Cities." An abbreviated version of TED Studies is offered here; the full curricula — including special modules on each talk with questions, assignments, key terms and recommended reading — are available for licensing to academic institutions, ministries of education, and media companies worldwide.

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