x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Problems as catalysts

This event occurred on
September 21, 2013
10:30am - 6:30pm +06
(UTC +6hrs)
Dhaka, Dhaka

TEDxDhaka began it's journey in 2009 right after TED announced the TEDx events to public. This one is going to be the 5th TEDxDhaka event.

The theme of the event this time is "problems as catalysts",

"Most of the innovative ideas and solutions might have triggered when we fall into troubles! Often struggles push us forward to think about the innovations. Overcoming the hurdles becomes our challenge that acts as a catalyst for innovations.

Broadly at the September 2013 event we look forward to listen to those stories of how problems fueled the vehicles of thoughts, imagination and ideas. In technology, science, design, society, politics, media, everywhere we find those amazing stories of creating ground breaking panaceas which are coming out of problems in most cases.

Let’s look at our problems a little differently. Let’s embrace the inner vulnerable state of us human, for a much positive tomorrow. Let’s use what we call as problems as catalyst!"

The public speaker nomination form is open, you may nominate yourself or someone you know who may fit as a TEDxDhaka speaker and with the theme from this page: http://tedxdhaka.com.bd/nominate

International School Dhaka
Plot 80, Block E, Bashundhara R/A
Dhaka, Dhaka, 1229
See more ­T­E­Dx­Dhaka events

Organizing team


Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh


Alexandria, VA, United States
  • Salman Hossain
  • Sajid Chowdhury
  • Ovick Alam