TEDxNewham : Where Resilience Lives
What is resilience?
With recent climate events like Hurricane Sandy and other dramatic and destructive weather tragedies all around the world, the need to design build resilient and adaptive urban infrastructures and systems has become all the more urgent. However there is also an underlying need to recognize and empower resilient individuals and leverage the power of communities to bounce back all kinds of unpredictable events.
TEDx Newham will be held at the Crystal in East London on Saturday, May 11th. We will explore resilience from many dimensions, giving real examples from one London community that embodies the very spirit of resiliency experienced in cities around the world. Our speakers will each tell their story of resilience from their own perspective, through their own lens.
The event will tell these stories of resiliency in presentations, spoken word, dance and music, shaping a contemporary, urban and truthful exploration of its meaning, bouncing back from adversity and defining the line where resilience and reality meet
The reality of modern life is that resilience is needed more than ever. Increasing climate catastrophes, the recession, political stalemates and financial crises, have all made for challenging times. As a result, we’ve had to connect with our deepest and truest selves in times of hardship – as individuals, communities and organizations. Perhaps the silver lining is that as with all times of struggle, the greater the challenges - the greater the achievements that result.
TEDxNewham will be an honest, real-life exploration of what it means to be resilient in today’s world. It will show the importance of recognizing and empowering individuals - and the inspiring effects this can have on a community.
1 Siemens Brothers Way
London, London, City of, E161GB
United Kingdom