Ken Huang
The gentleman, who was a Chinese born in Vietnam and went to France at 14 as a refugee, leads a legend life. After more than two decades of western cooking study, he became a famous chef and possessed a significant place in western culinary world.
After all the unforgettable stories in his life, finally a humorous chef came to us. In his talk, he not only talked about western cooking, but also showed his concern to the development of western cooking in our country. “Returning to China”, Ken said, “One reason is to be back to motherland, and the other is to bring authentic western food to the country.” He believed that only western and oriental food helped each other to develop could the China’s culinary industry reach a true prosperity.
David Huang
The youngest and the last speaker, David Huang, presented us with his stories in the pursuit of higher education. From SYSU to UCLA to Harvard Business School, Huang gave us a deep look into the every moment of decision making. A vital thing he emphasized was to find what you truly want to do. And he inspired all the students to skillfully and bravely chase their dreams. The whole talk refreshed the audience.
Qian Li
Li Qian, chief editor of a fashion magazine, reminded us of something that was usually ignored—farmers’ market. Traditional farmers’ market was gradually out of our sight, replaced by supermarket. Li specifically stated that there were no people selling vegetables or meat in the supermarket. It’s customers themselves to pick up the food from the shelf into the basket. Thus there was no communication between the product supplier and customer. The ordinary connection between people slowly disappeared in the supermarket. At the same time, the trust crisis was becoming sharp because we had no idea who planted the vegetables we ate and who offered the meat we cooked.
As Li was presenting those profound thinking to the audience, she showed some pictures taken in markets in many places such as Tokyo, Hong Kong, London. The talk not only made everyone recall the old memories in traditional markets, but also implied us to cherish our food and rebuild connection.