TEDxFillmore will be dynamic, multi-topical and multi-cultural event. Topics will range from business, science, technology, and entertainment to social justice issues and multiple subjects in between. This event will include a reception.
Come with an open mind and be prepared to be inspired.
Agenda: (NEW TIME!)
9:00 - 1:00 PM / PST: TEDxFillmore Talks
1:00 - 2:30 PM / PST: Reception
The theme for TEDxFillmore is "passing the baton." This may mean different things to different people, but typically, batons are passed in a race with the vision of handing off this object from one person to another with the intent to complete that race. The baton in this case is meant figuratively and can mean past to future, old to young, student to teacher and so on...
There is a certain level of trust, anticipation and excitement when passing a baton and it is our hope that TEDxFillmore facilitates that excitement before, during and long past the event has ended.
*Tickets are $25 (plus processing fee) each and helps to cover the cost of production.