x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Inspired by Emotions

This event occurred on
September 15, 2012
9:00am - 5:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)

9月15日,我们将南京文化艺术中心大剧院举办TEDxNanjing 2012年度大会——“Inspired by Emotions”。来自英国,荷兰,上海,北京,南京等地的十余位艺术、设计、传媒、科技、公益、商业、社会创新领域的杰出人士带来不同的与 “Emotions情感”相关的独特经历,故事;并探讨与分享情感元素在塑造人类自身与改变当代社会中的作用与意义。
届时将有1200位来自南京社会各界人士 (企业家,公益组织负责人,白领,大学生代表)齐聚一堂,共同聆听各个讲者18分钟以内的智慧分享。

关于主题“Inspired by Emotions (感情用事)”

然而我们却忽略了这样的事实,那些最伟大的作品,最杰出的人物往往是因内心崇高的感情所驱动。TEDxNanjing 2012 “Inpsired by Emotions” 将目光转向人类最原始、最朴素、最真诚的“感情”,再次聚焦于那些“感情用事”的人们。因为他们的想法与实践照亮着这个时代。

“In the reign of rational judgement, all direct things are wracked, all incentives and courage are asphyxiated in limited introspection. No absolute love, only rational marriage. No absolute obedience, only obedience based on rational judgement. No risky move, only possible of canny calculation. No action, only events.”——Soren Aabye Kierkegaard

We are living in a society that is surrounded by the cloud of absolute rationality and precise logic. "Gear, conveyor belt, and pendulum" become the symbolic picture of modern China again after the Industrial Revolution. Most of us, again, consiously or unconsiously, are instrumentalised ——rushing between home and office or school, determined to fight for concrete matters and materialized goals, such as the educational degree, the appartment, and the car. This so called "rational" state is divinized as the mainstream and absolute rules in this age. We decline emotions, dream, thinking, diversity, and freedom...

While we neglect the very fact, those greatest masterpieces, those most brilliant people are usually inspired by sublime inner feelings.

TEDxNanjing 2012 "Inpsired by emotions" turns sight to the most original, simplest, and truest "emotions", and refocuses on those people "inspired by emotions", for their ideas and practices are enlightening this world.

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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

ShiYin Cai

黑暗中对话 (Dialogue in the Dark,简称DiD) 中国大陆区创始人,曾任通用电气基础建设集团亚太区(GE Infrastructure Asia-Pacific)首席技术官, 对话社会企业全球首席运营官。 Cai Shiyin The founder of Dialogue in the Dark, China Chief Operating Officer of DiD in Hamburg headquarters Served as chief technology officer of GE Infrastructure Asia-Pacific and COO of Dialogue Social Enterprise Cai Shiyin’s volunteer experience at a Tibetan school for the blind in 2009 made her came to realize the true value of life. Although she has served in GE work for eight years and has her own fashion brand company, Cai determined to leave the business world and to join the community fields. Once visiting "experience dark museum" in Atlanta shocked her seriously. In the museum, visitors led by the blind percepted, acted and cooperated in totally black environment, and experienced "blindness". She joined the German Dialogue Social Enterprise in 2010, served as the COO of Hamburg headquarters, and introduced the dialogue in the dark to the Chinese mainland.

YaFang Chen

陈雅芳 又名“西米鹿”,平面设计师,插画师与墙绘师,创办了西点社工作室,有着敏感而充满灵感的小宇宙。 Chen Yafang She is the founder of Xidian studio. She is recognized by her nickname Ximi Deer. As a Graphic Designer , Illustrator and a Wal painting designer, She has a sensitive inner space which is fulfilled with inspiration. Chen Yafang Graduated from Jiangnan University.She studied Visual Communication and started t her own studio at the very first year of University. She came to Nanjing later and set up Xidian Studio here. She tend to bring us the most powerful visual crash by mashing originality and inspiration into her work using black and white colors. From her blog we can learn sensitive ,delicate character of her. She is not only a funny talker but also very good at sculpturing life with lavish philosophy.

Han Cheng

Cheng Han TEDxFactory798策展人,TEDx中国区大使, 36氪开放日(一个互联网创业者的展示自己新产品新功能的开放活动)的发起人,现任职于译言网和东西网。Ellen chen,The co-curator of TEDxFactory798, TEDx ambassador in China, now working at

XiaoChi Gu

谷逍驰 17岁的创客,狂热的机器人爱好者,南京外国语学校“创新社”创始人,机器人“万向轴”的作者,并拥有多项国家创新大赛奖项,2项国家专利。 Gu XiaoChi A 17-year-old inventor, fanatical robot enthusiasts, the founder of the Nanjing Foreign Language School "Innovation Society", maker of the robot "cardan shaft". He has a number of National Innovation Competition Awards, and two national patents.

Tao Lin

林涛 中医萝卜会发起人,江苏中江网传媒股份有限公司健康频道主任。 林涛曾经开过一个饭店,叫“南有嘉鱼”,店名取自诗经小雅,做的是鱼。“最初,我人生的故事是吃,为吃一顿汤包从城北跑到城南,为吃一顿猪头肉从市区跑到郊区,为吃一顿羊肉从南京跑到常熟;后来,我人生的故事是写作,我看书写东西,有一些东西写出来以后你会觉得不像自己写的,好像有一只“上帝之手”握着你的手在写似的,可是第二天你就会觉得好像抓住你的手的其实是撒旦;现在,我人生的故事是中医,当我治好自己的时候,当我治好外婆的时候,当我治好朋友的时候,当我抄方时看见老师们治好一个个病人的时候……这种喜悦比吃喝玩乐甚至写出一篇好文章都来的更好强烈和持续。推己及人,所以有了中医萝卜会,因为我觉得萝卜符合我想倡导的传统中医的简便廉验的意向,另外,还因为我是南京人,是个南京大萝卜。” Lin Tao The founder of “luobohui”, an non-profit organization that promotes traditional Chinese medicine and culture. The story of his life started with food. He once drove from south to north to try soup dumplings, from downtown to outskirt to taste bath chap, from Nanjing to Changshu to enjoy mutton. Then the story turned to another theme -- writing. He liked writing something after reading. Now, he thinks his story will continue with being a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. So far, he had cured his grandmother, some of his friends, and himself. Copying prescriptions over and over again made him witness patients’ recoveries. It brings him more joy than food and writing. The feeling is more durable and intense. So in order to share his feelings with more people, he organized ‘luobohui’. ’luobo’ means turnip. It can explain his propose of traditional Chinese medicine -- practice, featured with convenience, simply, cheapness and good effect.

Run Liu

刘润 微软中国战略合作总监,浙江大学软件学院系主任,其主笔的“高级项目管理”课程获得美国项目管理协会的收录。他亦是“捐献时间”公益组织创始人,福布斯中文网专栏作家。 Liu Run Run Liu is the Microsoft China Strategic Cooperation Director. His Work “Senior Project Management” was included in the PMI (Project Management Institute). He is also the initiator of a commonwealth community named “DonateHour”, columnist of Fox China and author of book “2012, Buy a Ferry Ticket to the South Pole” Run Liu, who has deep insights about management, is also conscientious and passionate about his dream. In the year of 2005, he initiated “Donatehour” ---a commonwealth online community where volunteers could choose and decide the time slots they want to devote to people in need. In 2009, Run Liu participated in the 4th “Xuanzang Challenge”. During the competition, he walked 120 kilometres in 4 days. Later during the spring festival in 2012, Run had his adventure to the South Pole where he spent eight days writing his book “2012, Buy a Ferry Ticket to the South Pole”. This book includes what he has experienced and learnt during his trip to the South Pole. Run believes that everyone has a ferry ticket to his/her dream, what consist the ticket are passion, promise, deliberation and action.

Feng Lu

陆丰 雷励中国创始人及首席执行官,复旦大学MPA,南都公益基金会银杏伙伴。一位见证青年成长的人。 Lu Feng Founder and CEO of Raleigh China, a man who witnesses the growth of youths. In 1998, as a freshman of college, Lu Feng participated in a China Expedition program of Raleigh International. Accompanied by other young people with same age, he camped and did some volunteer jobs in the rural areas of Jiangsu and Shandong Province. This experience made him redefine the happiness and rethink his team and himself. Despite of the conclusions of the redefining and rethinking, it is the happiness of growth and the nostalgia of youth that exert influence upon him till now. He founded Raleigh China to provide opportunities for more Chinese youths to experience the beauty of growth. Emotions, which do not need to be always strong, can be some unforgettable feelings that buried in our hearts and breed dreams.

Buddist Monk Zhi Guang

智光法师 浦口定山寺住持。 定山寺,六朝时,梁武帝所建,禅宗初祖菩提达摩修行之道场,宋诗人贺铸称之为达摩第一道场,1954年为山洪所毁。正在重建这座禅宗古道场的智光法师,出家前曾与南京一批热血的年轻新闻人,创立了南京市的第一张都市类报纸《金陵晚报》,为这座城市增加了许多亮靓丽的色彩。 Monk Zhiguang is the one of the most important guru of Rinzai school, currently he is the abbot of Pukou Dingshan Temple. (Dingshan Temple was built in the Six Dynasties in order to honor an eminent monk Bodhidharma. And later on it became the first Bodhidharma’s enlightenment place. In 1954, this temple was destroyed by floods,and Zhiguang lead a project to rebuild this temple ). Zhi Guang used to be a famous journalist, his life story was a legend in city Nanjing , 19 years ago (1993), he started the first city life newspaper of Nanjing----Jinling evening paper with a group of passionate young journalists.

NingJun Tang

唐宁军 青果文化空间的主人,一位将自己所信仰的审美理念赋予形体的创造者。 Tang Ningjun Owner of Qingguo Culture Space, who gives life to his own aesthetics. “In Qingguo, I want to make myself into empty, from which I will embark on a journey of re-verifying inward eagerness of being real, benevolent and fulfilling. “ 2011’s spring, the construction of “Qingguo” was initiated. Since then, from siting to decoration, Tang Ningjun was involved with all the aspects of creating a culture space. Co-working with his team, he chose the wood, designed furniture, and planning decoration, all on his impulse of dream and hardiness to visualize images hanging over his mind. Behind the each stuff, no matter a seat, a grey brick, a side table, or a door, there is a human interest story, which assumes owner’s unique way of aesthetics and life attitude attracting numerous youngsters and cultural and creative groups. They are determined to follow their dreams to disseminate to and share with more people their eagerness of being real, benevolent and fulfilling.

Thomas W. Simon

杨道子现为南京大学—约翰斯•霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心国际法教授,曾为美国华盛顿大学哲学博士,巴尔的摩大学法律研究学院、伊利诺伊州立大学哲学系终身教授。研究方向涉及大屠杀、种族灭绝、和平学、社会公平与正义,著有《民主与社会不公》,《种族灭绝罪》,《文明的对话与和平的建立》,《民族身份与少数民族保护:称谓、歧视与隔离》等。他很相信“缘分”,觉得人生中的选择都是很机缘巧合的。他经常说,幸运的人不是会想的人("Thinker"),而是及时行动的人("Doer")。想到什么就要去做,而不是空想,做的越多机会越多。Thomas W. Simon Simon is now the professor of International Law in Johns Hopkins University, Center for Chinese and American Studies. He was a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Washington, and a tenured professor of Department of Philosophy in both Illinois State University and University of Baltimore School. His Research involves the Holocaust, genocide, peace, social fairness and justice. The books he writes include “Democracy & Social Injustice”, “Laws of Genocide”, “Dialogue of Civilisations” and “the Construction of Peace” , “Ethnic Identity and Minority Protection: Designation, Discrimination, and Brutalization”, He believes in "fate" most of the time, and that choices in life are coincidental. He often says that the lucky ones are not those so called "thinker", but "Doer". If you have something you want to do, then just do it. The more you act, the more you will get.

Zhijun Wang

王治钧 社交媒体达人,TEDtoChina负责人,TED译者,香港李锦记集团社交媒体部经理。 Wang Zhijun Global Social Networking Manager at Lee Kum Kee, Execuitve Director at TEDtoChina project.

Yu Jordy Fu

傅乔荻 Yu Jordy Fu 英国伦敦凯斯乔荻设计与艺术公司总裁,世界最大时尚传媒公司FashionTV创意总监。艺术家,设计师, 以优异成绩毕业于英国中央圣马丁艺术设计学院, 并在英国皇家艺术学院取得建筑设计硕士学位,有着世界各地大型高端建筑和室内设计工作经历,现投身亚洲, 特别是中国在时尚创意领域的建筑,室内及家具设计。 Yu Jordy Fu Architecture, designer, artist Yu Jordy Fu had her first solo exhibition at Beijing Capital Museum at age of six, and her artwork has been published into two books and exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Yu Jordy Fu graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design withe a first-class degree in Spatial Design, then a Master of Arts in Architecture from Royal College of Art. Jordy was commissioned by the Southbank Centre in London to design chandeliers for Royal Festival Hall, worked at Future Systems as a senior design architect, where she has been working on the concept stage of various large-scale mixed-use projects from a 270-meter tower to a 66 hectares master plan in Dubai, and worked as a creative consultant and senior designer for the London office of Ralph Appelbaum Associates on the interior design of the United Arab Emirates Pavilion for Shanghai Expo 2010. Currently Jordy is the Creative Director at dwp (Design Worlwide Partnership) and partner at Marques & Jordy - a London based company specialises creating environments that engage emotions. Jordy is also commission artist at London Design Museum, a visiting lecture at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London and visiting critic at Royal College of Art London.

Hui Zhang

张慧 零点指标信息咨询有限公司总经理,中科院心理所心理学博士,9年市场调查与咨询工作经验。在群体文化、消费及社会文化趋势、国际意识、公共服务及政策发展等领域,进行过大量研究或相关调查咨询服务。系统研究过的群体包括:民营企业家、新蓝领、中产阶层、城市白领、流动人口、大学生、80后、90后、00后、老年人、职场女性等;主持了幸福感指数、痛苦感指数、居民生活质量指数、城市宜居指数、白领压力指数、健康指数等十多个指数项目,负责《中国城市欲望调查》、《我们,90后》、《数字聚焦中国》、《中国人梦想白皮书》等书籍的组织编写和审稿工作。本次年会她将围绕不同代际的不同模式的亲情和爱情来展开,探讨和谐亲情和爱情的方法和途径。 Zhang Hui Executive Manager at Horizon Research Consultancy Group, psychological doctor of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhang Hui works in the psychology institute of Chinese academy of science. She is a doctor of psychology with nine years’ experience of market survey and consulting. Dr Zhang has done numerous research and investigation in many fields, such as ethnography, consumption and social culture trends, international awareness, public services, policy development and so on. She has systematic studied many groups including private entrepreneur, new blue collar, middle class, urban white-collar, floating population, college students, post 80s, post 90s, post 00s, old people, women in the workplace and so on. So far, she has held more than ten projects including happiness index, suffering index, the residents living quality index, white-collar pressure index, health index. What’s more, Dr Zhang has been responsible for producing and reviewing of several books, such as “Survey of Chinese Urban Desire”, “We are Post 90s”, “Data Eyes on China”, “White Paper of Chinese Dream” and so on. In this year’s meeting, Dr Zhang will focus on the issues between love and family with different generation and different mode, and discuss the way to achieve harmony between love and family.

XueYi Zhao

赵学亦 策展人,设计师,任教于荷兰乌特勒支艺术学院,希尔弗瑟姆美术馆“荷兰平面设计百年展中国巡回展”项目主管。一个特殊的因缘,使南京成为他的第二故乡。 Zhao Xueyi Graphic designer, curator, designer, teacher of the Utrecht Art Institute; director of the project “Exhibition Of A Century Dutch Graphic Design On Tour In China ”by the Hilversum Art Museum. A special opportunity had made Nanjing his second home. Zhao Xueyi was graduated from the Utrecht Art Institute, the Netherlands. Though many years of work and study in Netherlands made him feel lonely and isolated, he gradually perceived his "in-between" identity through a continual process of reflection and learning - a bridge channeling the Eastern culture and the Western culture. You will find in his own website that many of his innovative ideas are inspired by his "in-between" identity which contributes to the fascinating artworks and even his research papers. Zhao Xueyi once designed and held in the Netherlands “On The Way ”——a “make in China ”workshop which help the Dutch have a better understanding of Chinese Taoist philosophy .In March 2012 at the Nanjing Arts Institute , he held SinoDutch design exchange program on his own initiative, making contribution to the “make in China” dream thruth his tireless effort.

Jing Zhou

周静 周静 ,全球组织“科技女孩”中华区副主席,上海“白夜科技”的创始人,曾为美国《商业周刊》记者。Jing ZhouDirector, Girls in Tech China Vice chairman of global organization "Scientific Girl" in great China area, the founder of Shanghai "white night technology", ex-journalist of "Business Week" in the U.S. ZhouJing, who previously studied and worked in U.S, was attracted by the philosophical meaning of "white night"--a festival in Paris. From the sunset to the dawn, the whole city comes into an enormous artistic feast with artists expressing in different forms in church, museum and even shopping malls. In 2010, Zhou Jing came back to China and founded "white night technology" With her female only group, she developed the scientific products which aim to make girls feel the sweetness all around. Based on the inspiration from "white night", she is trying to bring the transboundary combination of art, experience, technology and commerce into her own business. She is present the vice chairman of global organization "Scientific Girls" in great China area. Owing to her great contributions in woman innovative undertakings, Zhoujing was once invited by UN to give a speech in the annual "Global Youth Leader Conference" in 2010.

YingChun Zhu

朱赢椿 书籍装帧设计师,书衣坊之主,他的《不裁》、《蚁呓》被评为“世界最美图书”。 “在这个物质盛行的年代,我们固执而孤决地选择了与书为伍的生活。身处南京,我们像南京一样宽容而自信。我们不贪图工作场所的奢华与人员规模的庞大,但执着于每一幅书页的精致与个性。士为知己者死,书为阅己者容。我们期待每一本书都美丽,每一位爱书人都遇知己。” 朱赢椿作为南京著名的书籍装帧设计师,其装帧的《不裁》、《蚁呓》曾于2007、2008年相继被评为“世界最美的图书”,年轻的他声名早已跨出亚洲,速度可谓之快。尽管如此,朱赢椿本人却有着慢而静的生活与心灵,喜欢东方特质的、带着浓浓禅意的、“温文尔雅”的书。他不喜欢“设计”这个词的字面意思,或许因为这两个字带给人一种强迫、刻意之感,而那些好的设计往往是内心自然的呈现和流露。 Zhu Yingchun is a world-renowned book designer and bookbinder who runs his own design studio in Nanjing. Two of the books he designed, Stitching Up and Ant, were numbered among the “most beautiful books in the world” by UNESCO and the Book Art Foundation in Leipzig, Germany. By combining the best of Chinese traditional bookbinding with innovative methods of printing and design, he has “given Chinese book design its own unique vocabulary.” His fame already went beyond Asia at an early age and at an unprecedented pace. Even so, he still lives a slow life and enjoys the peace of mind. He loves refined and cultured books with oriental characteristics and strong conception of Zen. He hates the literal meaning of “design”, possibly because he believes that, in most cases, those good designs are natural display and overflow of people’s inner feelings, but the word of “design” brings the feelings of compulsion and deliberation.

Organizing team


Nanjing, China
  • XinXing Duan
  • Shuai Zhou
    Design & Production Lead
  • XiangLei Meng
    Social Media Cordinator
  • ChenJi Li
    Partnership Development
  • Ran Zeng
    Program Design
  • XueNi Hu
    Speaker & Performer Invitation Lead
  • XiangBin Li
    Website construction