x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Renewable Reality

This event occurred on
March 6, 2012
8:00am - 4:00pm -03
(UTC -3hrs)
Neko Harbor

A truly global TEDxAntarcticPeninsula will take place in the last remaining wilderness on earth - Antarctica. This TEDx event captures a moment with expedition members of the 2041 International Antarctic Expedition (IAE). Expedition team members will gain firsthand knowledge of the continent’s fragile ecosystem, experience its unique wildlife and observe the magnificent landscape of Antarctica.

80 global leaders from 23 countries will take part in TEDxAntarcticPeninsula. The purpose is to engage, inspire, and share ideas to address the most pressing challenges of the world. The theme is Renewable Reality and will be completely powered by the sun proving if it can be done in Antarctica it can be done anywhere.

Paradise Harbour, located near Neko Harbor
Neko Harbor
See more ­T­E­Dx­Antarctic­Peninsula events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anna Poole

Michiel Roodenburg

Co-Founder of Cycle for Water; Talk: From the Arctic to the Antarctic on Bamboo Bicycles

Joost Notenboom

Co-Founder of Cycle for Water; Talk: From the Arctic to the Antarctic on Bamboo Bicycles

Susan R. Eaton

Geologist, geophysicist, science journalist and extreme snorkeler; Talk: One Hundred Years of Geoscience in Antarctica

Scott Herrington

Educator; Talk: Acton Antarctica - A call to educators around the world

Robert Swan, OBE

Polar explorer and environmental leader.

Cameron Kerr

1st Lieutenant, U.S. Army. Talk: A Renewed Lease on Life

Solan Jensen

Antarctic Kayak Guide; Banjo performance: Vital Mental Medicine

Paras Loomba

Clean Technology Expert; Talk: Sustainable Energy Model Lightning Up Lives

Ellen Ratner

Bureau Chief of Talk Radio News Service; Talk: 1880's to the 21st Century, what we can all do to help the earth and ourselves.

Mohamed Shinaz Saeed

Maldives Environmentalist ; Talk: Maldives in a Better World

Christian van Maaren

Organizing team


  • Paras Loomba
    Renewable energy engineer
  • Kyle O'Donoghue
  • Benjamin Khalili
    On-site coordinator
  • John Luck