x = independently organized TED event

Theme: TED 2018: The Age of Amazement

This event occurred on
April 22, 2018
Singapore, Central Singapore

jointly presented by TEDxSingapore and TEDxCentralPublicLibrarySingapore

As curator Chris Anderson says every year at the start of the conference, "It's time for TED!". The theme of TED 2018 was The Age of Amazement. Some days it truly feels that the world has gone mad. But behind the neck-snapping political and social shifts we're seeing, the pace of technological, biomedical and scientific progress continues to accelerate. Truly jaw-dropping demonstrations of tech power are emerging almost every day. And they are likely to play a huge role in the story of the coming years. All of this is genuinely amazing, tapping into every sense of that word — from shockingly disturbing to thrillingly hopeful.

It looks to us as if it's time to collectively breathe deep and prepare for a remarkable new era as politics, globalization, technology, the future of work, and what it even means to be human are all reinvented before our eyes.

TED2018 has gone all-out to bring you visibility into the key developments driving this future, from jaw-dropping AI to glorious new forms of creativity to courageous advocates of radical social change. We'll include critics and skeptics, but also the quiet heroes driving ideas we can rally around. And through it all, we'll seek an exciting and insightful way forward.

TEDxSingapore and newly launched TEDxPublicCentralLibrarySingapore run by Singapore's National Library Board partnered to host near-live screenings of brand-new TED Talks from the TED 2018 conference, free for everyone in Singapore. 8 out of 11 sessions were screened on Sunday April 22nd and 29th at Central Library. As with all our TED Live events, all sessions were open to the public, and were free to attend.

On 22nd, the team from The First Singaporean to Space came and share about their venture and showcased the actual spacesuit they had designed and made to accomplish the mission scheduled on 15 May 2018, see

On 29th, the first TED Fellow from Thailand Kotchakorn Voraakhom a landscape architect who coincidentally was in Singapore came, presented her 2018 TED Talk, and shared about her passion and purpose with us.

We asked people in Singapore to complete this sentence "In The Age of Amazement, I will..." Here's what people said

Central Library, basement 1
100 Victoria Street
Singapore, Central Singapore, 188064
See more ­T­E­Dx­Singapore­Live events

Organizing team

L. Light

Melbourne, Australia


  • Divya Parmar
    Team member
  • Vivek Manoharan
    Team member