x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Hivemind

This event occurred on
July 23, 2016
9:00am - 4:00pm EET
(UTC +2hrs)
Benghazi, Banghāzī

تيدكس الفويهات:
تيدكس الفويهات هو مبادرة محلية متمثلة في مؤتمر يُعنى بعرض التجارب والأفكار الملهمة التي تشجع على التغيير، والابتكار والإبداع. يستضيف المؤتمر متحدثين متميزين من خلفيات متنوعة وفي حضور 100 من الجمهور، وذلك لتقديم سلسلة من الخطابات القصيرة، والتي تغطي مجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات تشمل العلوم والتكنولوجيا، والأعمال والثقافة، والتعليم، والفن وغيرها.

تيدكس الفويهات2016 هو أول حدث تيد في بنغازي، نُظِّم تحت ترخيص من (تـيد) من قبل مجموعة من المتطوعين الشباب والذين يدعمون شعار تيد "أفكار تستحق الانتشار". الموضوع الرئيس لتيدكس الفويهات هو "العقل الجماعي"، ويمكن تلخيص أهدافه إلى خمس نقاط:

• تسليط الضوء على الأفكار ووجهات النظر المتميزة في مجتمعنا.
• دعم التغييرات الإيجابية لتعزيز النهضة الشاملة في بنغازي.
• اجتماع الأشخاص المتميزون لإثارة الأفكار المبتكرة.
• إنشاء شبكات بين الأشخاص الذين يمكن أن يكون لهم تأثير كبير في المجتمع.
• المساهمة في بث روح الأمل في بنغازي رغم ما تعانيه من أزمات متلاحقة في السنوات الأخيرة.

TEDxAlFwayhat is a one-day forum for exponential ideas, and a catalyst for profound change, hosting diverse and passionate speakers and 100 audience members. In a series of short talks, speakers will present thought-provoking ideas covering a variety of topics, such as education, science, technology, business, culture and art.

TEDxAlFwayhat 2016 is privileged to host the first TEDx event in Benghazi; organised under a license from TED by a group of fresh and dynamic volunteers who all support TED slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”.

The theme for TEDXAlFwayhat is “Hivemind”, and the goals are to:
• Introduce new perspectives to our community.
• Inspire ideas and promote positive changes to enhance the community.
• Bring like-minded people together to spark innovative ideas.
• Initiate and establish networks between people who could have a significant impact in the community.
• Contribute to spread the spirit of hope in Benghazi despite the recent crises in the city.

Children Theater
Benghazi, Banghāzī, 00000
See more ­T­E­Dx­Al­Fwayhat events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Adel Aneiba

Assistant professor and a researcher at the Faculty of Information Technology U. Benghazi + IT consultant at several government agencies.
الخطاب دعوة لقيادة التكنولوجيا والمبادرة في الإبداع. يقدم د.عادل مثال لاستخدام تقنية المجسات التي تعتبر تطوراً مهما في عدة مجالات خاصة التعليم، حيث تستخدم هذه التقنية في تطوير تطبيقات في مجالات عدة من التعليم إلى الصناعة وخاصة تطبيقات التحكم والإدارة. وتعتبر هذه التقنية منخفضة التكلفة وتستخدم في التعليم الإبتدائي في بعض الدول مثل بريطانيا. كما يمكن استخدام تقنية المجسات في بناء المدن الذكية وربطها بشبكة الإنترنت وذلك لتجميع البيانات والمعلومات واتخاذ القرارات الآنية لخدمة المجتمع. Dr Adel invites audience to lead technology and start innovation through technology. He is considering technology of sensors a very important development in several majors, especially in education, where there are opportunities to develop applications for instance control and management applications. Furthermore, technology of sensors can be used in building smart cities and connect them to the Internet to collect data and information which can support decision-making and hence serve the local community.

Arwa Ben Omran

Student at School of Dentistry, University of Benghazi
A 23-years-old dentistry student at University of Benghazi. She loves painting, sculpture, confectionery, sport and singing. Arwa is the founder and owner of Marshmallow project.

Attia Alhasadi

Attia is 22 years old. He graduated from the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - University of Omar Mukhtar in the city of Darnah. He is passionate about science, especially physics and mathematics. Attia is a professional handball player for Darns Club. He loves culture, literature and interested in art, music, philosophy and he has an experience with writing short stories that focus on the suffering of youth as well as literary criticism of local situation in the country. He works as a local coordinator accredited by the United Nations to revive the activities of the World Space Week, which aims to spread the importance of space science in human life. Additionally, he is working as a delegate of the Libyan Transitional Council for Space Generation "United support for students on space applications program." Attia dreams of building a Libyan space agency and leading an entrepreneurial astronomical project that adds a value to knowledge.

Esra Elhassi

Student at School of Dentistry, University of Benghazi
A 22-years-old dentistry student at University of Benghazi. A graffiti artist and a very picky reader. Esra strongly believes education is the main source in creating the light at the end of the tunnel. “I’m a work in progress and I will never settle for anything less than the best version of myself”.

Fakhri Elabbar

Assistant Professor, Head of Chemistry Department at University of Benghazi
Born in 1964, Dr Fakhri obtained PhD in Organic Chemistry from the National University of Malaysia in 1999. He is the Head of Chemistry Department at University of Benghazi - 2016. Dr. Fakhri is a founding member of the Libyan Chemical Society in Benghazi branch, and the head of the first and the second chemical conference in Benghazi. Dr Fakhri also was the leader of the support team in University of Benghazi forum in 2011; and the spokesperson at the Third Conference of drugs at Zagazig University, Egypt 2013. Dr. Fakhri is interested in research of Environmental Pollution and Natural products chemistry.

Khaled Elmufti

Business mentor, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Investor, Technologist, World traveler
Dr. Khaled Elmufti is a technology entrepreneur and founder of number of technology initiatives in Libya and the UK. Khaled is very interested in applying technology to address business challenges in areas such as finance, health care and the environment. Dr. Elmufti holds a PhD from City University in London in electronic engineering and an MSc from Imperial College London in computing science.

Mohamed Ghunaim

Mohamed is a business man in the industry of Juice and Plastic production as well as machinery and raw materials trade. He holds a BA. In Management, and has attended several workshops and courses in time management, high impact presentation and public speaking. Mohamed is a co-founder of several NGO's aimed at raising citizenship awareness among youth. Also, he is a concept creator in the industry of restaurants, cafe' s and retail. Computer & technology are essential in his life.

Muna AlSahli

Assistant Professor at Arabic Language and Literature / Faculty of Arts / University of Benghazi.
Dr. Muna has obtained a master's degree in literature and criticism from University of Benghazi - Libya; and PhD in comparative literature from the University of Manchester - UK. She works as an assistant professor at Department of Arabic Language and Literature / Faculty of Arts / University of Benghazi. She has published many papers and articles in the literature and criticism, as well as in the issues of Islam and civil society, a collection of poems, and has two publications: 1. Antagonism in literary criticism with Empirical Study of the Poetry of Abu Tammam. 2. Creativity and freedom. Muna is the chairman of the Libyan Association of Arabic language Friends. She is also a member at the following institutions: - Book Friends Club. - Benghazi Laboratory of Semiotics. - Tanarout. - Arabic Language Academy in Libya. - The Arabic Thought Forum, Amman / Jordan. - The International Council of the Arabic language in Beirut.

Salah Alhase

Consultant pediatrician at Benghazi Medical Center, Head of the pediatric endocrine unit + Lecturer in Benghazi Medical University.
Dr. Salah El-hassi graduated from Benghazi Medical School in 1987 (MBBS). He holds Diploma in paediatrics on 1993, Arab board on 2004. Dr Salah is a consultant paediatrician working in paediatric department at Benghazi Medical Center, head of the paediatric endocrine unit and a lecturer in Benghazi Medical University

Tanarout Group

A group of intellectuals

Organizing team


Benghazi, Libya


Benghazi, Libya
  • Aisha El-orfi
  • Ali Zada
  • Alzahra Badi
  • Anas Buoud
  • Dania Zada
  • Hussameldin Albargathy
  • Moh Saleem
  • Mohamed Elghazal
    Team member
  • Mohammed Elsahli
  • Nahla Boushnaf
  • Osama Benkhaial
  • Salem Burgaid
  • Salma Elkawafi
  • Taha Saleh