x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 重塑 Constructive Disruption

This event occurred on
August 13, 2016
8:00am - 10:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Guangzhou, Guangdong

Nothing lasts forever, as we know from history.

We are in a special era where most of the things around us seems to be working just fine. And it’s easy for us to feel content with what we have. However, human mobility wouldn’t have leapt forward if nobody thought about flying, and we continued to develop “cars run faster”.

It’s not about tearing down what we have, it’s about coming at it from a new angle, and reevaluating what we take for granted.




The Garden Hotel
368 Huanshi Dong Lu
Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510064
See more ­T­E­Dx­Xiguan events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alisa Tsao

Social Designer
Yahan Cao is a social designer from Taiwan. She is now leading a project to design a better world for the elderlies. Instead of thinking she’s the “know-it-all” she asks for help and participation from the community itself as she facilitate change to happen. Using design thinking to address social topics, Cao and her team is now working on a project in Guangzhou and in Xiguan in particular. 曹雅涵是一个从台湾来的社会设计师。她现在正领导一个为老年人创造更好世界的项目。她不认为自己是“了解全部知识的人”,而她从当地社区中寻求帮助并鼓励社区本身的参与,她以催化剂的角色去促进改变的发生。 用“设计思维”思考社会话题,曹雅涵及她的团队现在正在广州西关进行一个参与式的社会设计项目。

Barry Wilson

Urban Planner
Wilson is a Chartered Member of the UK Landscape Institute, a Professional Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design. In 2012 he received award from the China International Urbanization Development Strategy Research Committee for his outstanding achievements. Wilson has designed, documented and administered a wide variety of architecture, landscape, urban planning and environmental projects, whilst specialising in sustainable design solutions with particular emphasis on socially inclusive design. He is focused on bringing contemporary international solutions to problem solving whilst introducing research themes in order to apply “out of the box’ thinking and challenge conventional approaches. 百瑞是一英国注册景观建筑师、香港注册园境师,2012年被授予中国城市化贡献力人物称号。 他在各种各样的景观园林、建筑、城市规划以及环境评估项目方面具有资深的经验。他擅长可持续性设计尤其着重公众参与的设计。他致力于带给客户最前沿的国际性方案,在项目中引入研究和发展的主题,以实现非同寻常的思考和对传统解决方案的成功挑战。

Benjamin T. Wood

In this fast growing age of China, cities are losing their unique identities. Skyscrapers, glass, steel, concrete, they all look the same. Wood thinks it doesn’t have to be that way. Cities could preserve their very own identities whilst remaining competitive in today’s commercial world. Wood is an American architect who designed Shanghai’s Xintiandi and Foshan’s Lingnan Tiandi, among other famous projects in China and around the world. 在如今快速发展的中国,城市在逐渐失去自身的特质。高楼大厦,玻璃,钢铁,混凝土,它们看起来都一样。Wood认为城市的发展可以不是这样。城市可以在当今的商业市场中争夺地位的同时保存自己的独特符号。 Wood是一名美国建筑师,在他遍布世界的作品中,有上海新天地和佛山岭南天地。

Jane Lee

Public Good Practitioner
We normally think if someone cannot see, they cannot take photos, nor they will enjoy taking photos - and we are wrong. A project Jing Li and her team dedicated to has proved that people have visual impairment not only can take photos, they often leave people in awe. Li and her team has taken this project forward, by inviting normal people to take this experience, to bring forward empathy in those people towards people with visual impairment. 我们通常认为如果一个人看不见的话,他/她肯定不能拍照,他们更不会享受拍照——我们是错的。李静以及她的团队引领的一个项目证明视障人士不仅能拍照,他们的照片常常令人赞叹。 李静和她的团队没有停留在这个结论上,他们邀请健全人也来参与到这个体验中,希望用此方式加强健全人对视障人士的同理心。

Jun Lu

Lu Jun is a contemporary artist. He finds new ways of recreating the traditional Chinese Ink Painting. He won the Photography Gold medal, the Sculpture Bronze and the Digital art Silver Prize separately on the 7th, 9th and 10th X Biennale di Firenze. He also won as the outstanding photographer of Pingyao International photography. In addition, he was honoured as one of the 100 creative talented artists in Creative Genius: 100 Contemporary Artists. Lu Jun was the one who originally starts the creative work on “Digital Ink”. By capturing the moments that the colours taking changes in the water, he perfectly present different scenarios while colours meet the water. Actually, this can be tracked back to the Chinese traditional wash paintings in old time, but he renovates the story telling style, and develops it as a more abstract and contemporary artistic expression. 陆军是一位当代艺术家。他寻求创新方式创造传统中国水墨画。 曾在第七届、第九届、第十届佛罗伦萨双年展上分别获摄影类金奖、雕塑类铜奖、数字艺术类银奖,二次获平遥国际摄影优秀摄影师奖,2009年,他被收录在英国出版的《创意天才:10

Linda Tan

Social Entrepreneur
When Linda was 11 years old she immigrated to Canada from China with her parents. Majored in molecular biology, all her family and herself were all expecting she would become a scientist. A volunteer trip to China when she was 21 changed her perspective. She found her passion lied in rural areas of China and wanted to contribute to its development. When she was 25 years old she decided to resign from her then job as a researcher in Ontario Ministry of Health in Canada, came back to China and devote herself into topics of rural China development. She is now partner of a social enterprise Rice Harmony Cooperative. 当谭静远在11岁的时候她与父母从中国移民至加拿大。她学习了分子生物专业,她的家人甚至她自己都觉得以后她会成为一个科学家。21岁时的一次中国志愿之旅改变了她的想法。她发现自己对中国乡村事业抱有极大热情,也愿意将自己投入到它的发展中。 当她在25岁的时候,她决定从加拿大安大略省卫生部研究员的职位上辞职,回到中国投身于乡村发展。她现在是社会企业天地人禾的合伙人。

Martin Yan

Celebrity Chef
With ancestral roots in Taishan, Guangdong, China, Yan was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, to a restaurateur father and a grocer mother. Yan began to cook at the age of 12. He moved to Hong Kong when he was 13. Promoting Chinese cuisine, making it easy for the cook and tasty for the guests has been his life-long mission. Yan is now a world celebrity chef, television host and Chinese food ambassador. 甄文达在广州出生,祖籍台山。父亲是开餐厅的而母亲是开杂货铺的。他在12岁就开始烹饪,13岁时搬去香港。 如今的甄文达是世界闻名的名厨,电视节目主持以及中国烹饪的大使。推广中国烹饪,将其变得简单美味已经成为他毕生的使命。

Metro Vocal Group

Metro started their career in 1998 singing aboard several ships with Celebrity Cruises. After recording two trendsetting albums, in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, Metro has established themselves as powerful artists in the Asian music market. They recorded their first Cantonese music video, My Pride, in 2009 and the response was overwhelming. Shortly after, in 2010, Metro recorded Beyond’s famous rock ballad, Under A Vast Sky, making them a household name in Asian communities around the world. Metro currently makes their home in Hong Kong, China. 1998年,Metro开始在航行世界各地的游轮上进行表演。在发行了两张包含英文、中文及粤语的专辑之后,Metro奠定了他们在亚洲音乐市场的地位。 2009年,他们拍摄了第一支粤语MV《我的骄傲》,获得了热烈的回响。随即于2010年更录制了香港传奇摇滚乐团Beyond的歌曲《海阔天空》,使得Metro在华语乐坛成为家喻户晓的人物。目前Metro定居在香港。

Taison Chang

Animal Welfare Activist
Chang works for the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society and fights hard for the survival of the dolphins with the local research team. His team’s aim is to help the population of Chinese white dolphins and finless porpoises to thrive within Hong Kong water. Besides working for wild animals, the team also aims to deal with captivity issue. As a person who has seen both captive and wild dolphins during his work, Taison has the sense about the difference between animals in both environments. Recent years, he actively works with local and international activist group and involved in protests and public awareness event in Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China. Taison工作于香港海豚保育协会,他们与本地的研究团队协作,致力于保护濒危海豚。他的团队主要保护中国白海豚和长江江豚,并确保他们在香港水域健康发展。 除了与野生动物打交道,他们的团队也重视被圈养动物的问题。Taison在他的工作中分别接触到了野生的和圈养的海豚,他对在两种环境中动物的区别有很强认识。最近几年,他积极与本地和国际的组织一起努力,在香港和大陆提高公众对这个问题的意识。

Tommie Varekamp

Industrial Designer
In consumer robotics a lot of attention is given to technical achievements, especially to create humanoid robots. Industrial designer Tommie Varekamp argues that robots with less technology, but more focus on character are better at bringing technology closer to users and humans in general. Tommie Varekamp works as designer and project manager at Orange Creatives, an international design agency in Guangzhou. Having studied ‘Design for Interaction’ in the Netherlands, he gets really enthusiastic about the user experience of smart products. Especially when cooperating with all the involved disciplines, to make sure that everyone contributes to one coherent design. 在面向消费者的机器人领域里,人们大多把关注放在技术的发展成果,尤其集中在发展人形机器上。工业设计师Tommie Varekamp却认为,把关注更多放在机器人的性格而非技术,更能够拉近技术与用户之间的距离。 Tommie Varekamp目前在广州的一家国际设计公司Orange Creatives工作,是一名设计师和项目经理。在荷兰学习了交互设计之后,他就尤为关注智能产品的用户体验。特别是保证各部门的项目组成员都能发挥所长,设计出一致的作品。

Tristan Roquette

Leadership Expert
Tristan Roquette is the founder of Teamacting, a consulting firm specialized in management and leadership. He believes in there is a better version of leadership - and a better version of workplace. Roquette also advises the European Chamber of Commerce in China and Roquette Asia. Tristan Roquette是Teamacting的创始人,Teamacting是一家专业于管理和领导力的咨询公司。他相信我们熟知的领导力有进步的空间,他相信我们已经习惯的工作环境也有进步的空间。 Tristan也给中国欧盟商会,以及Roquette亚洲提供咨询和建议。

Yanjun Cai

Educator & Innovator
Disasters have become a new normal for lots of people. Yanjun Cai argues that vulnerable populations, who are equipped with invisible capacities, can demonstrate innovation and transformation through disaster experiences. Yanjun is a PhD Candidate in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Hawaii. As an educator and innovator in various institutes all over the world, such as University at Albany, UNDP, ADB, Yanjun’s work lie in community development and resilience building through creative approaches. 越来越多的人在面对和处理灾难。蔡艳君认为我们通常语境中“弱势群体”有着超凡的能力,他们在灾难中展现出的是创意和改变境况的处理方式。 蔡艳君是夏威夷大学城市和区域规划的博士候选人。作为美国奥尔巴尼大学的讲师,她着重研究社区发展以及用创造性的方式增强社区韧性。她也持续地和联合国发展计划、亚洲发展银行合作。

Zhiyong Xi

Zhiyong Xi is professor at Sun Yat-sen University and Michigan State University. In the world’s largest farm located in Guangzhou, Xi and his team of researchers are experimenting with using the biology of the Aedes mosquito against itself. It’s all part of a plan to suppress a mosquito that can transmit Dengue Fever and the Zika virus. And so far, the results are promising. 奚志勇是中山大学和密歇根州立大学的教授。在位于广州的全世界最大的蚊子工厂内,奚志勇及其团队里的研究人员尝试使用生物手段,使用伊蚊控制自身的发展。 这个项目的目的是抵御能够传播登革热和寨卡病毒的蚊种。实验进行至今,成果显著。

Organizing team


Guangzhou, China
  • Awen Lee
    Team member
  • Jacqueline Lau
  • Jiang Darius
  • Nana Law
  • Rea Sun
  • york chang