x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Big Bang

This event occurred on
October 17, 2015
1:00pm - 7:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taipei, Taipei

Scientists believe that the origins of the Universe began from a finite time in the past when an unimaginably hot, dense point underwent a massive cosmic explosion. At that instant, the universe experienced an incredible burst of expansion. As space expanded, the universe cooled and matter formed or decayed through recombination. This theory hinting that the Universe was born from a small singularity is what we call the “”Big Bang””.

Big Bang is the celebration of emerging ideas, pioneering efforts, and game changers. Where do great ideas come from? Why are some innovators seeking to disrupt conventional wisdom? How do we get a community involved in spreading change? Will this new generation of leaders be innovators or followers? Is technology making us less human?

This October, TEDxTaipei has prepared a weekend of sharings and inspirations from storytellers, scientific pioneers, creative visionaries, pedagogical thinkers, social activists, and artistic innovators locally and abroad. Their intriguing stories, curious minds, undaunted fear, and big dreams are aimed to capture the imagination and the attention unlike any other experience. Join us this October for a sneak peek into the future, at the many possibilities that may shape our tomorrows and beyond.

Huashan 1914 Creative Park
#1, Sec. 1, BaDe Road
Taipei, Taipei, 100
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alexander Kotouc

Car Visionary
Dr. Alexander Kotouc is the Head of Product Management BMW i at the BMW Group, leading a project with a vision for comprehensive and ground-breaking concept for sustainable mobility. Forseeing a future with eco-friendly transportation, this future urban mobility project represents visionary electric vehicles and mobility services, inspiring design and a new understanding of premium that is strongly defined by sustainability. Dr. Alexander Kotouc現任BMW集團BMW i 產品管理部總監,於2007年加入BMW集團,負責帶領BMW i團隊實現汽車永續發展的前瞻願景。BMW i 源自於對於未來動能科技的期許,從基礎的產品研發、生產製造、材質選用到動力系統,皆以「永續發展」為核心,結合純淨電力動能、互聯駕駛服務及創新設計定義未來移動新世代,實現永續節能的駕馭樂趣。

Azizi Tucker

Race Car Designer
Azizi likes to go fast. Whether it was racing mountain bikes in the 1990’s or developing manufacturing and quality processes for Tesla Motors, the faster the better. He understood that his education would continue if he chose to work on the correct projects. His search for an educational work environment lead him to the Detroit car industry, then on to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and finally to Tesla Motors in California, where he was responsible for Asia Supplier Development and began his working career in Asia (and hundreds of airplane flights) helping suppliers throughout Asia develop manufacturable products. Azizi is currently working with Royce Hong in creating XING Mobility, the first Electric Race Car and Supercar maker and advanced vehicle engineering consultancy in Taiwan. Together, they are building solutions for high power battery system in electric racing and road cars, and providing consulting services with a focus on advanced mobility.

Michela Picchi

Illustrator, artist
As an Italian artist and illustrator based in Berlin, Michela Picchi is known for her vibrant and colorful design works with a highly-recognizable artistic style. Her unconventional path from studying Law and Economics to becoming a designer has allowed her to approach creative processes in various perspectives and settings. Starting from Italy, London, Hong Kong and now in Berlin, she draws inspirations from traveling, documenting her perceptual experiences on the road into illustrations. In fact, one of Michela’s most prominent color scheme and career-changing artwork: the turquoise series, was created during her stay in Hong Kong. She currently experiments with various disciplines such as ceramics and interior designs to explore different expressions of her work. Michela Picchi 最為人所知是她充滿色彩與想像力的插畫作品,從政經領域跨界藝術,熱愛旅行Michela的腳步從義大利出發,足跡偏及倫敦、香港最後落腳柏林純白的工作室 - 那由綠松色、黃色、粉紅色、紫色、黑色、白色構成的奇異世界。Michela 的作品為眾多的雜誌與品牌點亮了色彩,是一個對藝術著迷的創作者。

Tom Chi

Google X Co-Founder, Innovative Maker
Tom Chi has worked in a wide range of roles from astrophysical researcher to Fortune 500 consultant to corporate executive developing new hardware/software products and services. He has played a significant role in established projects with global reach (Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Search), and scaled new projects from conception to significance (Yahoo Answers from 0 to 90 million users). His current focus is delving into human development issues with social entrepreneurs around the globe, rebooting the fundamental frameworks of entrepreneurship itself, and teaching a limited numb 當試圖定義這個時代創業意義的Voltaic Labs,碰上以創新和新穎計畫聞名的Google X,他們的共通點,就是Tom Chi。 他是天文學家、是網路與軟體工程師、是科學家、創新大師。他曾說:「我們不能忘記跨出書本,改變世界!」藉由Tom Chi的快速原型設計(rapid prototyping),他成功地在網路時代領導Yahoo從0到9千萬用戶,接著創造了Google Glass,近年更開啟Google自動駕駛車計畫。 現在他延伸設計思考的專長,研究人類發展的社會議題,並與全世界各地的社會創業家合作與腦力激盪,持續找出改變世界的各種方法。

冉天豪 Tienhao Jan

Music Composer
Originally an English literature major, Tienhao Jan started his musical aspirations without receiving a formal musical training. He began composing for chorus groups, symphony orchestras and musical theatres since his university days, and have since released a number of Mandarin musical soundtrack hits such as “April Rain” (2007), “My Dear Next Door” (2009), and “The Edge of Heaven” (2004). Influenced by much of his childhood memories of old Taiwanese popular music and folk songs, his works often wittily blend the authenticity of Taiwanese culture in modern style music. Jan is currently the Artistic Director for Perfect Match Theatre. He also composes original scores for the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus as well as the Vox Nativa Choir Taiwan. 台灣作曲家。 劇場與音樂向來是天作之合的創作目標,而冉天豪致力讓這樣的結合更加完美。未受正式音樂學院訓練,但其從大學時代便自學音樂、改編歌曲,更為合唱團、管絃樂團與音樂劇團作曲與編曲,成為台灣最受矚目的音樂劇與合唱音樂作曲家之一。 歌、舞、劇、導全才-音樂劇最迷人的男中音,程伯仁 天籟美聲、音樂劇第一女伶,張世珮

凌宗湧 Alfie Lin

Floral Artist
Known for his floral design work for Hangzhou Fuchun Resort, floral designer, Alfie Lin's artistic style takes on the concept of minimalism and elegance. In 1998, Alfie founded “CNFlower” and has since established a living style which emphasizes on human feelings towards nature. The name “CN” originates from a Xinjiang girl’s name “Clear-Nule”, meaning “the warm sunlight”. To him, flower does not only provide a visual sense of beauty, but also delivers a profound emotional experience. His highly soulful characteristic of aesthetic pursuit into a lifestyle fashion is not only popular amongst the general public, but is also highly acclaimed in the industry. 凌宗湧以杭州富春山居花藝作品聞名,他的花藝美學擅長極簡、優雅、清新的設計風格,一如他所創立的CN Flower,品牌名稱意指「Clear-Nule」,代表新疆女孩的名字,取其「溫暖的太陽」之意,因為對他來說,花除了帶來視覺美感的功用外,還多了一層傳遞情感的溫暖寓意,這種追求單純清新、將花藝帶入生活、並重視心靈感受的美學風格,不但受到市場好評,更奠定其花藝大師的地位。

吳嫻 Denise Wu

Cognitive Neuroscientist
Denise is a Cognitive Neuroscientist whose interest is to explore the empirical connections to complex human behaviors and the cognitive processes that affects such behaviors. To Denise, how the human mind conceptualize and perceive quantity, space, time, language, and action is a fascinating topic. Her achievements in this research area have landed her numerous accolades, including Junior Research Investigators Award from Academia Sinica, Promising Women in Science Award from Wu Chien-shiung Education Foundation, and TWAS Young Affiliate. Denise Wu is currently the Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at National Central University. She is presently working on a theoretical Cognitive Neuroscience interdisciplinary research to study the relationship between philosophy and free will. 吳嫻畢業於台灣大學心理學系、中正大學心理學研究所碩士班、美國萊斯大學(Rice University)認知心理學研究所博士班,目前是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長。 吳嫻喜歡思考和討論抽象的觀念,除了投身於和語言、數量概念相關的研究之外,她也從對學生和社會大眾介紹和大腦科學有關知識的分享中,感受到自己和其他生命的連結,獲得最大的快樂。

吳宗信 Jong-Shinn Wu

Rocket Researcher
Advanced Rocket Research Center (ARRC; 國立交通大學前瞻火箭研究中心) is a Taiwanese space transport research organization with a specialty focus in hybrid rockets headquartered at National Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Founded in April 2012, ARRC has since garnered wide support from both public and private sectors, as the project managed to obtain research grants and individual donations from crowdsourcing platforms. On March 24th, 2015, ARRC successfully test launched their HTTP-3S rocket, thereby announcing their goal in making Taiwan become self-sufficient in satellite launches. The director of the project, Professor Wu Chongsin, believes that with passion and determination, reaching outerspace from Taiwan will no longer be a far-fetched goal. 國立交通大學前瞻火箭研究中心(Advanced Rocket Research Center,縮寫為ARRC)是私人與企業捐款於2012年在國立交通大學成立的探空火箭研究學術機構,成立宗旨意在促進台灣太空科技的發展。目標發展由台灣自主研發、製造的運載火箭,並達成運送衛星上軌道的能力。 ARRC的出現點燃了台灣科研單位與社會大眾對太空的想像。在2014年3月24日ARRC團隊成功試射HTTP-3S火箭,同時宣示要讓台灣擁有自主發射衛星的能力。

張申朋 Shen-Peng Chang

Shen-Peng Chang is a pharmacist who works at Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying. He hurries to work everyday and realizes that most patients don’t attach importance to medication safety, which sometimes may cause irreparable result. He decided to propagate the safety of medicine and educate people in hope of making sure continuity of patient care accuracy and integrity of the medication. 張申朋,柳營奇美醫院工作的藥師。 每天急促的工作步調,讓他深刻體會大部分病人並不重視自身用藥安全,擔心民眾對於用藥安全的忽視以及用藥種類偏多的情形,有一天會導致民眾因用藥疏失而造成不可彌補之後果,因此,申朋下定決心走出醫院,走入人群,加入正確用藥宣導的行列,冀望透過實地行動喚醒全民對於用藥安全的重視。

張翠容 Chui-Yung Cheung

Cheung is a Hong Kong-based veteran journalist who has had experience working for both Chinese and Western media. Currently as an independent journalist focusing on international affairs, she has visited many conflict areas on her own, including Cambodia, East Timor, Kosovo, Afghanistan, the Middle East region, Latin America, and North Africa. 獨立記者張翠容從不缺席國際事件。她曾採訪的國際領導人物有委內瑞拉總统查韋斯、巴勒斯坦自治組織已故主席阿拉法特、東帝汶開國總统古斯芒、柬埔寨王子拉那列等。被喻為「亞洲戰地玫瑰」的她,遊走世界,將最深刻的視野與感觸,帶進她的評論與觀察筆記裡,用每一篇的新聞看見世界的真實,用每一本著作發掘社會的不安。 In her professional career of more than twenty years, Cheung has managed to conduct exclusive interviews with world leaders such as the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, Founding President of East Timor Xanana Cusmao, and Prince of Cambodia Norodom Ranariddh, etc. Her mission is to bring her perspective of the stories and news from all corners of the world.

張進益 Chin-Yi Chang

Adolescent Counselor
Chin-Yi Chang has been in the field of psychology as a counselor for over a decade and is currently chief of a juvenile halfway house. ”It was my parents who gave birth to me, yet it is counselor Chang who understands me best.” These words coming from a juvenile delinquent deepened his belief in the value of this profession. Working with juvenile delinquents, Chang was once a rehabilitate. Being in and out of jail and involved with gang members, he eventually decided to embrace the love and acceptance from others. Not only did he take on the love for these juveniles, he also formed a band to perform in prisons in order to help these adolescents break away from gangs. 從事輔導工作十多年,桃園少年之家主任張進益,從非行少年口中聽到「生我者父母,知我者張輔導」,深受感動,也讓他更肯定了這份工作的價值。張進益投入社會工作陪伴偏差行為少年已17年,曾是更生人,入獄多次、混黑幫,最後選擇接受愛與接納,他要傳承這份愛,不但走入第一線,幫助孩子脫離黑幫,甚至創立大改樂團,進入少年監獄演唱。

張逸軍 Billy Chang

Born and raised in Hsinchu, Billy Chang joined Cirque du Soleil as a dance soloist for one of the principal roles, “Yao”, in the production, “Dralion”. After touring the world with Cirque du Soleil, Billy grew to appreciate the forgotten beauty of his homeland, Taiwan. So, in 2012, he returned to Taiwan and found “Natural Kind Inspiration Garden”, hoping to raise public’s awareness on human destruction of nature, and to reflect on the beauty of Taiwan through his performances. Billy‘s latest project is a collaboration with the Chai Found Music Workshop on a remake of their popular Eastern Instrumental Theatre production “Ambush!”. This June 2015 performance served as the closing ceremony for the Tainan Arts Festival. 張逸軍,一位在新竹從風中長大的孩子。十餘年臺灣求學的歷練,讓他琢磨成為第一位以舞者身份入選太陽馬戲團 Cirque Du Soleil 的臺灣人,並在太陽經典名劇《Dralion》擔任主角之一「火-Yao」。 因表演走訪世界各地,體會到不同的人文美麗。身處異鄉、遙望故土,希望能夠拾起被世人遺忘的臺灣之美。因此於2012年毅然離開太陽,返臺成立「仁山仁海藝想堂」,自籌許多反思人類迫害自然環境、彰顯臺灣人文之美的各式表演。另外也擔任許多國臺語主流歌手的演場會演出嘉賓。

戴志洋 Kaede Tai

Founder of CTO.TW, Administrator of Ptt BBS, revolutionist, entrepreneur, hacker, system architect, rocker. Kaede (Japanese: maple) learned to program on his own at the age of eleven, began to crack software protection when he was fourteen, founded SOB BBS by nineteen and invented “water ball”, the first instant message service of internet BBS. He has spent more than twenty years of his career in the computer network and mobile commerce industry, participated in the creation of startups such as KKBOX, Omusic, Richi, and TechOrange, and also contributed to HP, Chunghwa Telecom, and Yahoo. He believes Chief Technology Officers play an important role in an organization, especially in creating team efficiency and communication. He founded CTO.TW, aiming to cultivate 100 CTO talents for Taiwan. CTO.TW創始人、PTT站長、革命家、創業家、駭客、系統設計師、搖滾歌手。 Kaede(日文:楓)十一歲自學程式設計,十四歲開始破解軟體,十九歲創立陽光沙灘BBS並發明水球。 深耕網路資訊與行動商務領域二十餘年,參與過KKBOX、Omusic、Richi、TechOrange這些新創團隊的草創過程,也曾貢獻於HP、中華電信、Yahoo等企業。

手塚 貴晴 Tezuka Takaharu

Takaharu Tezuka is one half of Tezuka Architects. With his wife Yui Tezuka, Takaharu has envisioned and brought to life architectural creations that combine elements that are at once intensely personal and yet infinite. Takaharu and his team have built schools centered on trees, play areas created from interwoven wooden beams and hospitals that offer patients the healing gifts of joyous light and space. It is this same breathtaking light and space, sketched out with clean lines of wood, metal and glass, that are the hallmarks of each of Tezuka Architect’s projects. Since establishing Tezuka Architects in 1994, Takaharu, Yui and their team have created buildings that transform mere walls and windows into living—and livable– art. Each of their architecture reveals a hidden meaning to clients and users; a practice that goes beyond architecture. 以「建築物最終應該伺候住民」為建築概念,手塚貴晴與手塚由比這對日本夫妻檔建築師看到的建築與人有極為密切的關係。 自1994年研究所成立以來,手塚和他的團隊擅於藉由牆壁和窗戶的變化,將建築作品打造成栩栩如生且適合居住的藝術作品。

早石直廣 Naohiro Hayaishi

Robotics Researcher
Naohiro Hayaishi is a pioneer of robotics research and also a hardware, software, and app developer. He has developed a number of robots, home sensor systems, and a “Brain Machine” systems, which is a new method for man-machine interface that enables humans to control machines and to communicate with others without input devices but directly using brain signals. 機器人專家,也是跨足硬體、軟體、App的工程師。自2004年開始,以拉近人與科技的距離為願景,Hayaishi曾發明過數款機器人與智慧家電系統,以及僅以腦波訊號與機器溝通的「Brain Machine」系統。以開源(open source)的程式設計,不但創造讓人與機器人有更廣泛的操作方式,更讓所有人甚至兒童都可以簡單的投入研究與使用機器人的領域。

李明維 Mingwei Lee

Born in Taiwan in 1964 and currently living in Paris, Mingwei Lee creates participatory installations where strangers can explore issues of trust, intimacy, and self-awareness through one-on-one interactions. Such experiments invite participants to contemplate these issues with the artist over meals, sleepovers, hikes, and conversations. As he records each of his project findings, many of Lee’s participatory subjects have proactively opened up to him, allowing greater depth of understanding in the topics of his experiments. 1964年生於台灣,目前居住於巴黎。李明維擅於透過與陌生人的互動,在彼此逐漸熟悉的過程裡和自我意識的覺醒間,探索信任與親密等議題。藝術家透過食衣住臥等生活作息,探索日常事件的核心本質。而不同的記錄模式,使參與者主動開創出的對話持續在展覽中進行著,也豐富了原有的展出形貌與更加開放的公眾面向。

林昶佐 Freddy Lim

Heavy Metal Band Artist, Human Rights Advocator
Freddy Lim is the lead vocalist and erhu player of the award-winning Taiwanese metal band “Chthonic”. The band’s stated goal is to use their music to enhance cross-cultural understanding and to raise awareness around minority groups in Taiwan. Aside from being an internationally-known rock music artist, Freddy Lim is notably active in the Taiwanese political scene, and is also an advocate for international human rights, public civil rights, and environmental issues. He served as President of Amnesty International in Taiwan for two consecutive years since 2010, and has independently organized international music festivals to bring awareness to global human rights. 閃靈樂團主唱、超級紅人榜等歌唱節目固定評審,也是人權工作者。 林昶佐活躍於文化創意、國際搖滾音樂界與國際人權領域,閃靈樂團曾獲台灣金曲獎、金音獎多項大獎,其個人曾獲得台灣總統文化獎,英國、日本暢銷搖滾雜誌票選全球最佳主唱之一,與西藏音樂獎最佳國際援藏藝人獎等。 林昶佐常參與人權、環保、文化政策 、轉型正義等公共議題運動,曾任兩屆國際特赦組織台灣分會理事長,2015創組新政黨「時代力量」。

林麗珍 Lee-Chen Lin

Hailed as “a genius choreographer in Taiwan’s dance scene”, Lee-chen Lin founded the Legend Lin Dance Theatre in 1995 for the purpose of presenting large-scale performance works to celebrate Taiwanese culture and identity. Inspired by local religious rituals and ceremonial rites celebrating the rhythms of nature and our place in it, the artistry of the Legend Lin Dance Theatre blends a lush visual aesthetics with a brilliant original choreography that gives new meaning to the phrase “poetry in motion”. Meditative and majestically elegant, the group’s unique approach has made it a favourite at renowned international festivals, including Festival d’Avignon, Lyon Dance Biennial and Festival de Otoño. 曾獲得「台灣舞蹈界編舞奇才」美名,近年更屢獲國際肯定,更是2002年歐洲文化藝術電台ARTE遴選為當今世界最具代表性的八位編舞家,她就是無垢舞蹈劇場藝術總監林麗珍。終生貢獻心力在舞蹈與劇場。2005年獲頒國家文藝獎。

江振誠 Andre Chiang

Chef André Chiang has a philosophy of using only the freshest of seasonal produce. Having made an indelible impression on the Singapore culinary scene since its opening in late 2010, Restaurant André was recently listed in the coveted San Pellegrino World’s 100 Best Restaurants. New York Times mentions the restaurant as the top 10 restaurants in the world worth a plane ride while Wallpaper magazine places André as one of the world’s best young chefs. 熱情與堅持,可以化為什麼?對江振誠而言,便是他創造的一道道法式料理。江振誠16歲時遠赴法國學習料理、25歲當上法國米其林三星主廚,他對料理的夢想接著帶他到新加坡設立自己的餐廳。未來江振誠的料理將繼續藉著真實的原味、完美的口味、靠他親手把關的每一道菜,感動著每一個顧客。

洪裕鈞 Royce Hong

Royce is a designer by training, entrepreneur by circumstance, and car fiend by obsession. Born in Hollywood, he now lives in Taipei and spends his time driving, designing and connecting design with people. He has two other day jobs- as the Managing Principal at XRANGE architecture and design, and CEO + Big Head of Design at IPEVO, a creator of interactive classroom tools. Azizi and Royce met as TEDxTaipei speakers in 2013. Sparked by their shared passion for automobiles and bleeding-edge technology, the two joined forces to create XING Mobility, the first ever Electric Race Car and Supercar maker and advanced vehicle engineering consultancy based in Taiwan. They believe that Motorsports are field experiments for tomorrow’s mobility engineering, and the future of transportation will emerge from progressive technologies developed for the racetracks. Currently, they are developing electric racing and road cars with very high power battery systems.

王小棣 Shaudi Wang

Film Director
Shaudi Wang is considered as one of the most influential directors, screenwriters, and producers in the Taiwan film industry. She founded Rice Film Co. Ltd. in 1992 and started the Taiwan Original Filmmakers Union while making movies, documentaries, theatre plays and television dramas. Some of her notable works include “Scarecrow” (1987), “Grandma And Her Ghosts”(1999), “Bear Hug” (2004), “Police et vous” (2008), and the most recent “Boys Can Fly” (2014). Wang’s works are rich in imagination, with life-embracing passion and humor. Many of her films focus the lives of ordinary people and comtempoary social values. Her inspirations come from observing the basic struggles of people surviving on a day-to-day basis. In addition, there’s an authentic Taiwanese aspect in her choices of topics, talents, and artistic expression. 跨足電影、電視,屢屢拿下金鐘獎,作品《我在墾丁天氣晴》、《刺蝟男孩》、《波麗士大人》,甚至大家童年最愛的《魔法阿媽》,王小棣導演重視電影的社會溝通功能,不斷挑戰不同領域與限制,更長年參與社會運動。因其在影視工作的貢獻,在2014年獲頒第十八屆國家文藝獎。

管中閔 Chung-Ming Kuan

Chung-Ming Kuan received his Ph.D. in Economics from University of California, San Diego, in 1989. He was an assistant professor and associate professor with tenure at the Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1989-1996), full professor at the Department of Economics, National Taiwan University , and a distinguished research fellow and the director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. During 2012-2015, Kuan was Minister without Portfolio in the Executive Yuan of ROC government and also served as Minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development and Minister of the National Development Council. He is now NTU Chair Professor in the National Taiwan University and the director of the Center for Research in Econometric Theory and Applications. 管中閔於 1989 年獲 University of California, San Diego經濟博士學位, 隨後任教於 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 和台灣大學經濟系。他於 1999 年轉任中央研究院經濟研究所。於 2012 年被任命為行政院政務委員,次年兼任經濟建設委員會主任委員,再一年為國家發展委員會首任主任委員,。

翟本喬 Ben Jai

Internet Entrepreneur
Ben Jai has never stopped exploring into new areas of technology. His career path as technical consultant, researcher, and chief architect in Bell Labs, Google, and Delta Electronics enabled him to become proficient in software engineering, object-oriented programming, parallel and distributed computing, networking, computer architecture, electrical engineering, as well as cloud computing. Ben eventually started his own cloud computing start-up company in 2013. In 2015, Ben decides to carry his experiences and insights into the government training program, serving as a resident lecturer. He feels that government workers should also learn to embrace technology, and by doing so will help bridge the communication gap between the people and the government. 從大學開始參與公共安全系統設計,翟本喬一路從研究室到創立公司、從Google到台達電子、從科技圈踏入市政顧問,甚至網路上還有多篇的評論與文章,他從不曾停下探索新領域的腳步。

范毅舜 Nicholas Fan

Nicholas Fan is an internationally known photographer with works exhibited throughout Europe, the United States, and as well as numerous venues all over Taiwan. His photographs have been used by Leica, Sinar, Hasselblad, Ilford and Kodak for exhibitions and promotion, and Sony Taiwan supports him with the equipment he uses from day to day. Hasselblad named him one of the world’s 150 best photographers and he is the only Chinese photographer to have been included in a Leica exhibition. In hoping to ”write what photos cannot describe, and photograph what words cannot capture”, he recently began to shift his focus to documenting his inspirations both in words and visual works. 范毅舜,國際知名攝影家,許多知名攝影廠牌都曾以他的作品為代言,瑞典哈蘇專業相機公司更推崇他是全球最優秀的150位攝影家之一 ,近年他更將視角拉回台灣這塊土地,期望藉此促動我們重新審視、珍惜台灣寶貴的文化資產與精神價值。

莊淑芬 Shenan Chuang

Women Entrepreneur
Shenan Chuang is a 30-year veteran of Ogilvy & Mather and considered one of the chief architects of the agency’s Greater China presence and success. Today she serves as Vice Chairman, Greater China, a role she accepted after serving as Ogilvy & Mather China’s CEO from 2007 to 2014. 資深廣告人,媒體稱她為「廣告女王」,在奧美三十年,莊淑芬被視為奧美大中華區的代表人物和主舵手之一。 自2007至2014年擔當奧美大中華區CEO之後,目前為奧美大中華區副董事長。2011年,奧美中國成長為奧美全球第三大辦公室。莊淑芬是奧美全球的董事,也是中國4A創辦人之一,在2006,2007,2010年擔任中國4A理事長。2014 CNN於“女性領軍人物”專輯報導她,她曾獲得2006與2010年亞洲Campaign專業雜誌“年度風雲領導人”殊榮。

葉恭平 Gong-Ping Yeh

High Energy Physicist
As a world renowned high energy physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory of the US Department of Energy since 1985, Dr. Gong Ping (G.P.) Yeh has been accredited with many notable works and contributions including the discovery of the Top Quark, pioneering large scale super computing using Linux, creating Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, and creating new Particle Therapy centers for treating tumor patients in Illinois, Taiwan, and other countries. His current research focuses on sustainable energy solutions, particularly on the Accelerator Driven System and Thorium energy as a new source of energy. Dr. Yeh has been serving internationally as an advisor for sustainable energy in many countries. 美國能源部費米國家加速器研究院的高能物理學家,致力於重粒(離)子癌症醫療、核廢料處理、釷能源、永續能源的推動。 擁有多項卓越的科學貢獻與成就的葉博士,近期研究專注於全球永續能源。葉博士提倡全球應該積極開發永續能源, 包括提高能源效率,再生能源,以及新能源釷Thorium Energy 和核廢料處理nuclear waste transmutation。由釷能源(Thorium)取代核鈾(Uranium)可以解決核電的安全、廢物、武器、成本、永續五個基本困難。

蔡宗翰 Tsung-Han Tsai

Tsung-Han Tsai graduated from the fire department division of Central Police University, and now serves in the Kaohsiung City Government Fire Department. Filled with ideal and enthusiasm, he eagerly advocates for disaster prevention and relief work. In 2013, Tsai was awarded for his extra meritorious work by the former Interior Minister Hong-Yuan Lee. After the Typhoon Morakot, Fanapi and the Kaohsiung petrochemical gas explosion disaster, he realized that not only the general public had very little knowledge on disaster prevention, the government’s response to disaster management also desperately needed to be more proactive and meticulous. In addition to improving government disaster prevention and resilience, he advocates for educating the public, including local communities and campuses, on the correct concept of fire survival skills. 畢業於中央警察大學消防系,現服務於高雄市政府消防局。 對於災害防救工作的推動充滿熱忱與理想,並在2013年獲前內政部李鴻源部長頒發為「推動災害防救工作特殊有功人員」。

謝政豪 Hauer Hsieh

DJ, Entrepreneur
Born and raised in the Hsinchu Science Park, Hauer initially began his career as a DJ and music producer for indie bands. However, when three of his friends got together with Hauer to brainstorm how Taiwan’s digital media industry can successfully create and produce original branded content, a new media start-up company called “Taiwan Bar” was born from their discussion. Hauer was named the CEO, and together with these teammates, debuted its first online video: “An Animated Guide to Taiwan’s History”. This one-of-a-kind video quickly became viral within weeks of its release, as viewers saw it as a fun new approach to learning history. 出身新竹科學園區。原為獨立音樂製作人。役畢後有感臺灣數十年來接受國際數位內容代工委託,於相關產業磨練出相當實力,卻一直無法產生具國際影響力之品牌,毅然與三位友人共同創立新媒體公司 - 臺灣吧,任執行長。2014年底臺灣吧第一部作品『動畫臺灣史』問世,遂掀起國內外原生數位內容一陣風潮。顛覆傳統對網路內容與學習的想像。

陳明章 Mingchang Chen

Folk Musician
Mingchang Chen is a renowned guitar and Yueqin (traditional Chinese string instrument) player, composer, producer, and folk singer. He has written numerous soundtrack scores for acclaimed movies such as “The Puppetmaster” (1993) and “March of Happiness” (1999), and have composed popular folks songs like “Drift to Tamsui” (1997) that earned him a Golden Melody Award in Best Composer category. Chen Mingchang’s musical expression is deeply rooted in his feelings towards his homeland, Taiwan and the cultural givings of this land. He skillfully assimilates the singing styles and melodies of “nanguan” and “beiguan”, the spoken narration and nuance of the Taiwanese folk opera and traditional Taiwanese glove puppetry, and the chords of traditional folk music, altogether creating a new form of music onto modern song structures. It is perhaps inadequate to classify Chen’s musical style simply as “New Taiwanese Song” or “modern Taiwanese music”, rather, its an entirely new music genre.

陸學森 Horace Luke

Product visionary
Horace Luke, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Gogoro, is in charge of product development and corporate strategy of the company. Before Gogoro, Horace served as chief innovation officer at HTC, where he played a crucial role in leading the company's transformation from a white label hardware manufacturer to one of the most desirable and innovative mobile phone brands in the world. 設計人、創意人,從Nike到科技產業,陸學森沒有一個領域不是跨界的挑戰,只因他以「我想要用自己的設計改變世界」為目標。 現任為 Gogoro 的共同創辦人之一暨執行長,統籌產品的研發與公司的營運。在此之前,他是科技業首屈一指的設計人。2006年至2011年任職於 HTC 期間,領導研發團隊以優異的產品令世界驚艷,且頻頻獲得國際獎項的肯定。 設計人、創意人,從Nike到科技產業,陸學森沒有一個領域不是跨界的挑戰,只因他以「我想要用自己的設計改變世界」為目標。 現為Gogoro 的共同創辦人之一暨執行長,統籌產品的研發與公司的營運。在此之前,他是科技業首屈一指的設計人。2006年至2011年任職於 HTC 期間,領導研發團隊以優異的產品令世界驚艷,且頻頻獲得國際獎項的肯定。

黃正銘 Chen-Ming Huang

Chamber Music Director
Chen-Ming Huang is the founder and Artistic Director of Chai Found Music Workshop (CFMW), a Chinese chamber music ensemble dedicated to creating contemporary classical music and enriching the traditions of Taiwanese music. Its musical genre intentionally mixes both traditional Chinese Sizhu-style instruments such as erhu, pipa, and suona with present-day instruments like electric guitars, drums, and bass. Since the CFMW’s establishment in 1991, Huang has taken his group to perform countless concerts locally in Taiwan as well as in international music festivals in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Huang’s pioneering efforts in expanding the possibilities of traditional Taiwanese and Chinese chamber music called for introducing rock and techno styles into its music, and also blending elements of modern dance and martial arts into its live performances. 在國樂界相當活耀的黃正銘,曾赴大陸進修,致力於推廣傳統絲竹音樂。長年策劃、製作、演出采風樂坊各型絲竹音樂會以及個人獨奏會。

黃益中 I-Chung Huang

High School Teacher
Huang is an unconventional high school teacher who actively engages in social studies and civics both inside and outside his classroom. His mission as an educator is to equip his students with empathy and an awareness for the needy; to do so, he would incorporate current events, open debates and discussions into his curriculum to encourage students to take part in understanding diversity and differences. As a public citizen, he regularly participates in social movements, especially on topics related to education and affordable housing. He has formed the Taiwan Adequate Housing Association (TAHA) to ensure that housing policies may be friendlier for potential first-time buyers. 現為台北市大直高中公民與社會科教師,年資11年。課堂外的身分是台灣居住正義協會理事長,「巢運」發起人之一,並擔任公民教師行動聯盟發言人。他心目中的品格教育是公平正義,努力在課堂上翻轉錯誤價值,取材時事進行公民思辨,啟迪多元價值觀念。

龔建嘉 Chien-Chia Kung

Kung-Chien Chia, founder of ILoveMilk. As a veterinarian, he not only takes care of the common household animals, but he also cares for the smuggled alien and foreign species in the animal shelter. Being one of a few veterinarians for large animals, the lives of the veterinarians in rural areas have given him a different yet novel view. Growing up in a fancy city like Taipei, living in Yunlin has become an eye-opener for him towards possessing various perspectives. Seeing the ways that farmers care for the animals and also being a part of it, he realized the difficulties and struggles that farmers are facing. Kung believes that there needs to be a breakthrough and resolution under these unreasonable and unequal trading conditions. 龔建嘉,一位『不務正業』的獸醫師,曾投入在野生動物收容中心照顧國外走私的外來種動物。接著在當兵時,進到當時全台灣唯一的軍犬組,每天照顧軍犬的健康,更看到令人鼻酸的飼養環境,還因此在當兵期間推動『除役軍犬認養計畫』,順利讓軍犬在退伍後能夠回歸正常家庭生活,讓這些為國奉獻的老犬獲得自由。 目前為全台少數的大動物獸醫師,鄉村獸醫的生活讓他看到別人看不到的景象,一個台北人住在雲林,會有不同的視野。每天看著酪農是如何飼養照顧,當自己參與其中後,才發現產業鏈中,長期存在不合理的狀況、不平等的交易需要突破,需要解決。

Organizing team


Taipei City, Taiwan

