Akiko Nakayama
Alive Painting Artist
Honami Yoshida
Medical Doctor, Doctor of Medical Science/Mother of 5
Jake Adelstein
In search of truth - Truth, as seen by an American journalist
Jake is a Missouri born Jewish American. In 1992 he worked as a reporter for the first Yomiuri Shimbun made for foreigners. His book, “Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter On The Police Beat in Japan” is scheduled to be adapted to film starring Daniel Radcliffe. His motto as a journalist is to “discover the truth”, and his second book in which he writes about the Japanese Yakuza has nearly completed.
Keiko Ihara
International Racer
Masahiko Tsukamoto
Professor at the Kobe University Graduate School of Engineering
Michihiko Iwamoto
President & CEO of Japan Environmental Planning Co., Ltd.
Naoko Yamazaki
Going in to space is an adventure. Yet at the same time it also feels as if you’re dropping by your hometown.
Naoko is the second Japanese female astronaut since Chiaki Mukai. She studied aerospace engineering while at graduate school and aspired to be a astronaut while engaged in development work at the International Space Station. And finally, 2010 she boarded the space shuttle Discovery, and shot off in to space. Naoko is currently retired from JAXA, but continues on with work that involves the future of space, such as being on the Cabinet Office Space Policy Committee, and as an advisor for the Young Astronauts Club - Japan.
Omodaka (Souichi Terada)
Omodaka is a musician from Tokyo who composes game music. He began performing from 2009 with a LCD monitor, a portable game machine and a priestess costume. He performs not only in Japan, but in the United States, and various cities in Europe. In 2011 “Hietsuki Bushi" won the New Face Award in the Entertainment Division at the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival. With his collaboration of Japanese folk songs and game music, you might say that he is a magician who breathes new energy in to music.
東京都出身のミュージシャンでゲームミュージック作曲家です。2009年から液晶モニターと携帯ゲーム機と巫女装束でOmotakaのパフォーマンスを開始。国内のみならず、アメリカ、ヨーロッパなど様々な都市で公演。2011年には第15回文化庁メディア芸術祭エンターテイメント部門で「Hietsuki Bushi」が新人賞を受賞。日本民謡とゲーム音楽のコラボレーションで、まさに音楽の新しいエネルギーを操る魔術師といえるでしょう。
Roland Kelts
Cultures raise revolutions
Roland was born to an American father, and a Japanese mother and grew up in both America and Japan. As a reporter he writes for many magazines such as The New Yorker and The Japan Times, yet he is also very familiar with Japan’s pop culture, and he imparts his unique perspective on Japanese pop culture to the rest of the world.
Takuo Toda
President of the Origami Airplane
Tiffany Kelly
Changing our thoughts - Gender Balance
As a founding partner of Round Table Global, her focus has been to spread joy to the world, as well as to convey the importance of sexual equality. What are the changes to her way of thinking as a moderator and speaker who has recently been actively holding lectures on the balance between men and women within business and the changes around our thoughts in regards to the balance between men and women around the world?
Toshiro Mitsutomi
Music saves health care - Musicians play the role of nurse through the practice of music.
Toshiro established the female orchestra “flumus" for the purpose of supporting female artists. He founded the Music Hope project which implements a variety of workshops that strengthen the ties of “music”, “body”, and “heart” through playing music, dancing, exercises, and breathing in order to provide health support and create a societal contribution for musicians and mainly for municipal facilities such as medical institutions, nursing homes, schools and educational institutions. They also perform concerts for all of the caregivers and nurses, and continue to support people with the infinite power of music.
Yumiko Ota
Alliance Forum Foundation Operation Division Program Manager for Developing Countries
In order for the birth and continuation of life to become the norm in regions countries such as Asia and Africa, Ms. Oota has mainly been involved in creating and developing businesses that will enable the necessary means for proper nutritional intake and growth in developing regions such as India and Africa.
There are countless places where the environment has been greatly improved thanks to her endeavors in Bangladesh, Kenya, Zambia.
What does she feel every day while in the field? What moves her to action?"
Yutaro Kyono
Molcure K.K. Director CTO
ジェイク アデルステイン
ミズーリ州出身のユダヤ系アメリカ人です。1992年から外国人初の読売新聞の記者として活躍しました。彼の著書として「Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter On The Police Beat in Japan is scheduled to become a movies starring Daniel Radcliffe.」があります。ジャーナリストとして、“真実”の発見をモットーに働き続けた彼の2作目、日本のやくざについて綴った著書が、もうそろそろ完成しようとしています