x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
November 1, 2015
1:00pm - 6:00pm JST
(UTC +9hrs)
Kagoshima, Kagosima

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Inamori Hall, Kagoshima University
1-21-40 Kōrimoto
Kagoshima, Kagosima
See more ­T­E­Dx­Kagoshima events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

The Honest

The Honest Yosuke Fukudome / Naoya Wada / Seiya Nishi 北欧アイルランドのトラディショナル・ミュージックやケルト音楽を中心に、ルーツの異なる様々な音楽に挑戦している音楽グループ。2013年蒲生町にて結成以来、県内外のお祭りや音楽フェスへも多数出演する他、ジャンルを超えて活動の場を広げている。 The Honest Yosuke Fukudome / Naoya Wada / Seiya Nishi This musical group focusses on both the traditional and Celtic music of Ireland, attempting to play various kinds of music which differ from its original roots. Since forming in Kamou Town in 2013 they have performed numerous times at local festivals and music festivals both in and outside Kagoshima Prefecture and as such are widening the appeal of their genre.

Atsuko Nakashima

【スピーカー紹介 中島秋津子】 ※English follows Japanese 食のプランナー 地域の食とコミュニケーション&デザインを専門領域に、各種中小企業支援機関にて商品開発・販売企画・ブランド確立・デザイン開発面での派遣専門家、地域産品レシピ・商品コンクールの審査員など幅広く活躍。 Atsuko Nakashima Meal Planning Specialist Specializing in communication and design in the local food industry, she supports many kinds of small to medium businesses with product development, sales planning, brand creation, and design. Her activities also extend to judging local recipe and product competitions.

Chiaki Akaishi

社会活動家 養護施設の子ども達に一般家庭で暮らす子ども達と同じようなたくさんの体験を提供するNPO法人童達・warashiを主宰。養護施設にてダンスレッスンやお話しの会、ドラムサークル等を開催、またダンスショーや著名人の講演会へ子どもを招待するなど活動中。 Chiaki Akaishi Social Activist She chairs an NPO called Warashi, which gives children living in care institutions the same normal home life experience as other children. Her activities at child care institutions also include dance lessons, storytelling and drum circles as well as inviting the children to dance shows and celebrity performances.

Hisashi Oiwane

【10人目のスピーカー決定!】 ※English follows Japanese 大岩根 尚 大学・大学院にて地質学を学ぶ。環境学の博士号取得後、卒業後は国立極地研究所に入所。 2011年、第53次日本南極地域観測隊として南極内陸の調査に参加。 2013年10月に三島村役場の地球科学研究専門職員に転身。県内で3か所目となる「三島村・鬼界カルデラジオパーク」の認定に尽力。現在は世界ジオパーク認定に向け、取り組みを行っている。 「地球を学び、地球と遊び、地球を体感できる場所」を作るため日々奮闘中。 Hisashi Oiwane After studying geology at university and graduate school and gaining a Ph.D. in environmental studies he entered the National Institute of Polar Research. In 2011, he conducted investigations as a member of the 53rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition Team. In October, 2013, he became a professional earth science research expert in the Mishima Village Office. The “Mishima Village/Kikai Caldera Geopark” became the third location in the prefecture to be authorized thanks to his efforts. He is currently striving for its recognition as a global geopark. He struggles every day to make a place for “studying the earth, playing with the earth, and experiencing the earth.”

Kawade Iwao

【スピーカー紹介 河出岩夫】 ※English follows Japanese 自分史活用アドバイザー 明治時代から続く出版社の4代目として生を受けるも、幼い頃に経営が破綻。会社は人手にわたる。 大学卒業後、印刷会社、出版社勤務を経て、32歳で出版社を設立。若者向けサブカルチャーの分野で出版活動を開始する一方、休眠会社だった「河出書房」の屋号を復興。 現在は「自分史」の普及活動に取り組んでいる。 Iwao Kawade Publishing Producer He was born into a family of publishers which had continued for four generations since the Meiji Era but while still at an early age the business failed and was passed into someone else’s hands. After graduating university and gaining experience at printing and publishing companies, he established his own publishing company at the age of 32. It began publishing activity in the subculture sphere with young people in mind but at the same time revived the dormant family trade name of “Kawade Shobo”. Currently he is engaged in “Personal History” outreach activities.

Koichiro Morita

【スピーカー紹介 森田孝一郎】 ※English follows Japanese リズムコミュニケーター 学生時代よりジャズドラマーとして天文館のジャズクラブを中心に県内外で活動。 参加者が輪(サークル)になって自由に打楽器(ドラム)を即興演奏するドラムサークル活動で、九州を中心に国内外の医療・福祉施設、学校教育現場、企業・団体、地域イベントなどで年間約200回のドラムサークルやワークショップをファシリテーションしている。 Koichiro Morita Rhythm Communicator From his student days he has been active as a jazz drummer mainly in the jazz clubs in Tenmonkan but also in and outside Kagoshima Prefecture. He facilitates drum circles and workshops at medical, welfare, and educational institutions as well as businesses, with groups and at regional events, playing around 200 times a year. Participants in his drum circles form a circle and freely play their drums in an improvised musical performance.

Marina Hirano

【スピーカー紹介 ヒラノマリナ】 ※English follows Japanese メイクアップアーティスト 鹿児島を世界一美人の多い町にする「鹿児島美人計画」、東京で鹿児島の魅力を楽しく紹介する「東京さつまつり」など、メイクアップと女性目線を生かした鹿児島発信の企画・プロデュースを手がける。 Marina Hirano Make-up Artist Marina makes use of make-up and a woman’s perspective to plan and produce “Kagoshima Beauty Plan” aiming to make Kagoshima’s women the most beautiful in the world, and introduce Kagoshima’s charm in Tokyo through the “Satsu-Matsuri(Satsuma Festival)”.

Musashi Musashi

【スピーカー紹介 六三四】 ※English follows Japanese 鹿児島温泉伝道師 鹿児島のほぼ全ての温泉に入ったことがある、鹿児島の温泉地活性化の仕掛人。 かごしま温泉の会やウェブサイト『鹿児島温泉観光課 六三四城』などを主宰、最近では温泉番組の企画・出演も。温泉ソムリエや温泉入浴指導員をはじめ、温泉関連資格多数。 Musashi Kagoshima Hot Spring Enthusiast Having visited almost all of Kagoshima’s hot springs, he is instigating the revitalization of the Kagoshima hot spring industry. While supervising the Kagoshima Hot Spring Association and “Kagoshima Onsen Sightseeing Division Musashi Joh” website, he has recently been planning and publishing a hot spring TV program. He has many qualifications related to hot springs from hot spring sommelier to hot spring bathing instructor.

Shinya Ozaki

【スピーカー紹介 尾崎晋也】 ※English follows Japanese 指揮者 日本とアメリカで指揮を学び、ルーマニア国立トゥルグ・ムレシュ交響楽団音楽監督、ルーマニア国立ディヌ・リパッティ交響楽団首席客演指揮者など、ルーマニアを中心にヨーロッパ各地で活躍中。 また、日本でも全国各地で音楽イベントのプロデュース、メディア出演、講演などを行っている。2015年国民文化祭開会セレモニーのオーケストラを指揮。 TEDxTarguMures 2015 スピーカー Shinya Ozaki Music Conductor After studying to be a conductor in Japan and America, he became musical director of The Romanian National Targu Mures Symphony Orchestra and the principal guest conductor of The Romanian National Dinu Lipatti Symphony Orchestra. While based in Romania, he has appeared in several other countries in Europe and also performed at and produced music events, and done media publishing at various locations within Japan. He conducted the orchestra at the opening ceremony of Kagoshima’s 2015 People’s Cultural Festival. TEDxTarguMures 2015 Speaker

Organizing team


Kagoshima, Japan


Kagoshima, Japan