Voca Tikva
Voca Tikva is a young, social acapella group, active in the underprivileged Hatikva neighborhood of southern Tel Aviv. Ben Yeffet, a local musician, created the group in order to create a worldwide social and musical change. The group is made up of young soldiers and university students, residing in the Hatikva neighborhood and surroundings. Rehearsals include vocal practice, fine-tuning their uncompromising musical sound and performing fresh, up to date repertoire. The group currently focuses on song covers advocating social equality, tolerance and social change. Their unique adaptation for the hit song "Hey Mama”, with new lyrics created by the group, is the perfect example for their vision of a better and egalitarian society.
Director, TOM:Tikkun Olam Makers
Arnon Zamir is an impact-entrepreneur at heart and a programmer in mind, running focused international development sprints for social good. His passion is combining technological innovation and meaningful social connectedness. Arnon is the Director of TOM:Tikkun Olam Makers, the technological wing of the Reut-Institute Strategy Group in Tel Aviv. Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM) brings together strategic thinkers, engineers, designers, and project managers to solve unmet social challenges in disadvantaged communities. This includes for example, a 3 day make-a-thon of teams from around the world to produce prototypes to assist and empower individuals with disabilities.
TOM is built on six core values: scalability, community integration, collaborative competition, affordability, smart development, and innovation. Arnon teaches entrepreneurship in the Tel Aviv University MBA program, organizes high-end international hackathons, meditates and practices martial arts.
Freelance Photographer
Asher Svidensky is a freelance photographer with a strong passion of mixing his work with storytelling. After starting his career as a military photographer, Asher went on to become a frequent traveler in Asia. In 2014 he attracted worldwide media attention with his photo project on the first Mongolian Eagle Huntress. His body of work has been published in magazines, newspapers and publications around the world such as National Geographic , BBC (TV, radio and website) The Times, Daily Mail, Metro, The Guardian (UK), GEO (Germany & France) AD (Netherlands) and many more.
Deductive Mind Reader
Daniel Harel is considered a pioneer in the world of deductive mind reading, or what is also known as mentalism. As a performer and creator Daniel has developed a unique method called Deductive Mind-Reading, which is based on his keen ability to draw incredible conclusions from the subtlest of hints. Daniel has special insight on how we are still conned, our needs are manipulated, false hopes are given and our money is taken from us, even in today’s real-time information based society.
Dr. Karina Yaniv
Doctor, Department of Biological Regulation at Weizmann Institute of Science
The global science community had their eyes on Rehovot, where a team of Israeli scientists, led by Dr. Karina Yaniv at the Weizmann Institute, managed to grow lymphatic cells in the lab for the first time ever. For over a century, scientists have debated the question of the origins of the lymphatic system – a parallel system to the blood vessels that serves as a conduit for everything from immune cells to fat molecules to cancer cells. Critical insights have been gained and resolved by Dr. Yaniv of Weizmann
Institute’s Biological Regulation Department.
Dr. Shai Efrati
Director, Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research
Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf-Harofeh Medical
Under the management and guidance of Dr. Efrati, the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center in the world, currently treating more than 120 patients a day. Dr. Efrati initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical study it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in stroke and traumatic brain injuries even years after an acute incident. The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues.
CEO & Designer, Chime
Product Leader that Launched Facebook’s Like Button and Friend Finder
Jared Morgenstern was the 3rd designer at Facebook. While there, he changed the way people from every corner of the globe connect by launching the Like button and the Friend Finder, the company’s first exponential growth product. A Harvard Master's graduate in Computer Science, Jared is pushing the creative envelope again as CEO and designer of Chime – a start-up aimed at bringing people closer together using richer, more personal video conversation. He loves social innovations, break-dancing, improv, video games, and is obsessed by the culture of creating.
Entrepreneur, Super Learner & Angel Investor
Jonathan Levi is an experienced entrepreneur and angel investor from the Silicon Valley.
After successfully selling his Inc 5,000 rated startup in April of 2011, Levi packed up for Israel to gain experience in the Venture Capital industry. While in Israel, Levi enlisted the help of speed-reading and machine learning experts. Since acquiring superlearning skills, he has become a proficient life-hacker, optimizing and "hacking" such processes as travel, sleep, language learning, and fitness.
Since 2014, Jonathan has been one of the top-performing instructors on Udemy and has launched a rapidly growing information products company, SuperHuman Enterprises.
Mikaela Ben Dori
Founder, MusiMapp
Mikaela Ben Dori: Founder of MusiMapp: Trend Forecasting & Market Mapping through Pop Music Analysis
Market trends actually sing to us and Mikaela Ben Dori knows how to read the music. Mikaela, a trends analyst and cultural specialist, knows pop music is a serious thing. She is the co-founder of MusiMapp Inc., which provides insight into cultural trends from around the world by analyzing mainstream music data; benefiting businesses and social enterprises. A pioneer in her field, she recognizes that analyzing popular music is the most innovative way of mapping out new local and global markets and predicting the evolutionary pathways of social trends. Mikaela has lived in three continents and holds a Master of Science in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a B.A. in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies from the Hebrew University.
Nadav Zelner
Nadav Zelner, born in 1992, is a graduate of the Talma Yalin School of Arts. Nadav is a teacher and professional counselor for musical theater productions and contemporary dance. Nadav has served as a counselor for many notable institutions, including the Beit Zvi School for the Performing Arts, Yiddishpiel Theater, Cameri Theater, Orna Porat Theater for Children & Youth and many more. Nadav has performed in various dance productions worldwide, including locations such as Denmark, Cyprus, Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China.
Professor of Computer Science & Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University
Nathan Intrator is the neuroscience startup leader of a revolutionary cloud-based platform that uses advanced brain signal processing and big data analytics to manage brain health and human wellness. An international scholar in neural computation, he delves into the undiscovered grey area of our brain.
His latest startup, Neurosteer, uses advanced brain signal processing and big data analytics to perform continuous, mobile monitoring and management of brain health. Neurosteer's mission is to become the standard method for ubiquitous brain activity interpretation and neuro-feedback. Real-time, detailed brain state analysis will be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of medical, neuro-marketing, lifestyle and gaming applications.
In his belief communication technologies that didn’t exist 5 years ago can be leveraged to improve brain function in novel and fun ways, as well as improve the life style of individuals with brain disabilities.
Or Orka Teppler
Or Orka Teppler was born in Israel and raised in Northern England. Or discovered the unique traits of her voice while traveling Asia in her early 20’s. Her repertoire includes mostly folk tunes and sacred Jewish, Hindu music, as well as oriental and Rainbow Mantras. To quench her insatiable thirst for music, Teppler came back to Israel to study at the Rimon contemporary music school, where she received a full student scholarship. Since then, she has been playing two main genres of music, her new fantasy, folk music project with FOREST and her Shamanic project with the Orot band. Orka is currently working on her second album with Orot, along with her new band’s first solo album.
Orit Perlov
Social Media Expert, INSS
Orit Perlov, a social media expert at the INSS, follows and analyzes the discourse on the social networks in Arab states. Prior to joining INSS, she served as a political advisor to the Israeli Ambassador at Large based with the informal Israeli mission in the GCC. She is the former co-editor of the Israeli Foreign Ministry website in Arabic. Orit has conducted interviews with Channel 2, Channel 1, Channel 10, I24, Galei Zahal, BBC Radio and Al Jazeera. Her work has appeared in many publications including Haaretz, Maariv, Globs, Al-Monitor, New York Times, Foreign Policy, Le Monde and Die Zeit.
Sagi Braitner
Sagi Braitner is a human beat box. He creates multiple sound effects and beats, using nothing but his mouth. With his creative mind and unique set of skills, Sagi will make you shake instantly.
Shimon Peres
The Ninth President of the State of Israel
During his lifelong service to Israel, Shimon Peres has held every position of note in Israel’s government. A member of the Knesset since 1959, Shimon Peres served as Deputy Minister of Defense from 1959-1965. After leaving the Mapai Labor Party with Ben-Gurion in 1965, he became Secretary General of Rafi, and in 1968, was instrumental in uniting Rafi with Mapai to form the Israel Labor Party. Among his wide range of ministerial posts, Shimon Peres headed the ministries of Immigrant Absorption (1969), Transport and Communications (1970-1974), Information (1974), and Defense (1974-1977). The highlight of his tenure as Defense Minister was the Entebbe rescue operation. In 1977, Shimon Peres was elected chairman of the Labor Party and in 1984, when a National Unity Government was formed, served first as its Prime Minister (1984-1986), and then as Vice Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs (1986-1988). During his term as Prime Minister, Isra
Shirin Hafi
School Educator
Shirin Natour Hafi serves as the Principle at the new Arabic High School in Lod since 2009. She speaks Arabic, Hebrew and English. She has been a teacher and classroom educator since 1997 and has specialized in Hebrew literature and writing. In September 2008 she was moderator at the Ministry of Education's LBM Project. The Project included participants from eleven different schools. She received her BA in Humanities, Arabic and Israeli Literature from Bar-Ilan University in 1997 and her MA in Arabic, at Bar- Ilan University in 2006. She is married and a mother of three children.
Tomer Avital
After a decade working as a journalist for major media outlets influenced by political and commercial interests, Tomer Avital was frustrated. He went on to found “Days of Transparency,” a crowd-funded project leveraging new journalistic tools, such as private investigators and tech volunteers, to hold elected officials to higher standards of accountability.
Tomer now creatively campaigns to improve participation in politics and to generate transparency in government. He raised funds to support the first-ever public lobbyist, authored a murder-mystery thriller set inside the Israeli Parliament, and produces comical clips uncovering the political decision-making processes.