x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Is it the future we want?

This event occurred on
October 17, 2015
9:00am - 6:00pm CEST
(UTC +2hrs)
Linz, Oberösterreich

Die Zukunft – faszinierender Begleiter, verheißungsvolle Projektionsfläche und doch auch beunruhigender Anlass zur Sorge? Im Mittelpunkt der dritten Ausgabe der Ideenkonferenz TEDxLinz gehen wir der Frage nach, welche Ideen für die Zukunft uns in der Gegenwart prägen und welche Gelegenheiten wir heute vorfinden, unsere gemeinsame Zukunft zu gestalten. In einer sich immer rascher verändernden Welt, konfrontiert mit Sorgen um ein ökologisches und ökonomisches Ungleichgewicht unseres Planeten, ist die TEDxLinz 2015 Standortbestimmung und generationenübergreifender Ausblick – ganz ohne Kristallkugel.

voestalpine Stahlwelt
voestalpine Stahlwelt - Ausstellung & Museum
Voestalpine-Straße 4
Linz, Oberösterreich, 4020
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Agnes M. Schitter

Agnes M. Schitter is physiotherapist with a special focus on patient with therapy resistant pain. She started teaching Microkinesitherapy (Grosjean Benini) in Austria and Switzerland in 2007. She lives and works in Bern (Switzerland) where she has her own office for physiotherapy. Agnes M. Schitter is also scientific personal at the institute of complementary medicine (IKOM) at the University of Bern.

Alexander Zeitelhack

Alexander Zeitelhack is a visionary and developer of innovative concepts. He is a businessman, a consultant, trainer and strategist for Radio and TV Projects in the area of marketing and business. His favorite topic is “New media” because of the exciting combinations of innovation, marketing and selling. For and foremost the integration of media content into marketing strategies of companies is a challenge.

Eva Derndorfer

As Food scientist she is organizes talks, sensory seminars and workshops for elucidating the role of our taste. Eva Derndorfer graduated in nutritional sciences at the university Vienna in 1999. She is running her own business as nutrition advisor and is also teaching at the University Salzburg, FH Burgenland and FH Joanneum.

Florian Pollack

Department Head of Communication & Marketing
Florian Pollack followed his passion for art and museums. He is the leader of communications and marketing in the museum of art history in Vienna, responsible for marketing, press, public relations, fundraising and events. Florian, born in Vienna 1971, did his law studies in Vienna, Innsbruck and Paris. In the framework of “Helping hands” he was teaching Bosnian refugees German between 1993 and 1995. Since 2011 he has been a mentor for migrants in the framework of cooperation between the WKO and the fond for integration.

Giulio Superti-Furga

Scientific Director
Giulio Superti-Furga, born in Milan 1962, is the scientific director of CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine. He is the chair of the steering boards and responsible person for the project “Genom Austria”

Horst Hörtner

Senior Director
In 1996 he founded Ars Electronica future lab and is leading this lab ever since. Horst Hoertner is an expert in human-computer interaction design and working on the cross sections of art and science.

Jessy James LaFleur

Spoken Word Artist
JJ LaFleur is a spoken word artist, nomade and travels all around the world. She is always seeking adventures and uses three different languages to convert her experiences into short stories and poems. JJ LaFleur also is the founder of the Spoken Word Agency “Punkt.Komma,Spree!” and moderates and organizes poetry events “Bubble Slam” and “Wortakkord” in Berlin as well as “Die Reimzeichner” in Hannover.

Michael Hartl

Michael Hartl launched the blog “Experiment Selbstversorgung” ("experiment self-sustainability") with more than 70.000 followers. He is focusing his efforts on community gardens, self-sustaining farms and open workshops.

Michael Lehofer

Medical Director
The life of an optimist is the same as the life of a pessimist - it is simply a matter of perception. Michael Lehofer explains the priniciples of the self fulfilling prophecy prophecy and how we mirror the behavior of others.

Niyazi Serdar Sarıçiftçi

Director of LIOS
Niyazi Serdar Sericiftci founded the Institute for organic solar panels (LIOS) in Linz, a world leading research unit. The main emphasis of his research is in the conversion of solar energy to electrical energy (Photovoltaics), as well as chemical storage by means of CO2 recycling in artificial fuels. With more than 600 publications in international scientific magazines, quoted more than 40.000 times, he is one of the most quoted scientists.

Rainer Peraus

Future Change Artist
Rainer Peraus is a speaker, a visionary, border crosser, pusher of the limits. His own vision, that a new future is different but wonderful, is inviting many other to wish and dream and follow utopian dreams and get excited by the idea of seeing the impossible turn into reality. His current projects are the “Youtopia Group – the art of changing future” and “Dream Can Project – Zukunftsträume machen neue Zukunft sichtbar”

Susanne Wolf

Susanne Wolf, born 1968,s an independent journalist with focus on sustainability for Austrian Magazines, including Konsument, Format and Option. Solution oriented journalism against negative headlines – is her motto. In her articles and blogs Susanne Wolf invites us to think about a self dictated life and to think outside the box.

Walburga Froehlich

Managing director
Walburga Fröhlich studied social work and social management and founded "atempo" in 2000. Walburga Froehlichs vision is a society, in which technological and social development reaches a stage, where disabilities are not stopping anybody from using their potential effectively.

Organizing team


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