x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 11, 2010
1:00pm - 1:00pm AWST
(UTC +8hrs)

TEDxPerth is striving to build a more aware, inspired and active young population in Perth who are passionate about effecting positive change. Each month at Scitech our TEDxPerth events showcase inspirational videos from the institute named TED (, facilitate open discussion, eat and chat together. What we really hope to achieve are the following main things:
- to get young people thinking about what's really important,
- to provide a socialising and networking opportunity,
- to promote local non-profit volunteer opportunities in Perth, and
- to have fun along the way.

See more ­T­E­Dx­Perth events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Dr Jason Fox

Once upon a time, there was a red-headed rogue who sneaked into the ivory tower with the notion to raid it for ideas. He sifted its storerooms, scoured its shelves, and stashed away its best thoughts. Then, after he’d leveled up in record time and gotten a PhD in Ideas Liberation, he escaped again. Now, he helps people like you smuggle their cleverest ideas out of their ivory towers (boardrooms, r&d, business units…) and into the real world (better practices, products…and profits). He knows every dark little corridor an idea can get lost in; every trapdoor and pitfall; every dungeon where it can be locked away. He knows all the secret passages, all the shortcuts, and all the escape routes to get an idea where it needs to go: reality. I'M THAT ROGUE. JASON FOX IS MY NAME, AND I'M HERE TO HELP YOU LIBERATE YOUR CLEVEREST IDEAS. My obsession is helping people make brilliantly clever ideas actually happen in the real world. (You’ve probably figured this out by now)

Organizing team


  • Caine Chennatt
    Digital Native
  • Rebecca Mahar
    Tiny TEDder
  • Chris Vernon
    Chief Love Distribution Officer
  • Kristen Barker
  • Leon Delpech
    Film Producer
  • Sharad Pattnaik
  • Janine Ripper
  • Jesse Li
  • Tim Kenworthy
    Master of Ceremonies