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Alla ricerca di una democrazia antifragile | Luigi Di Gregorio | TEDxRoma
Luigi Di Gregorio |
• June 2021
Il digitale come portatore di democrazia, partecipazione, conoscenza e libertà nel mondo; si sta rivelando un possibile apripista all’incubo totalitario.
Come si salva la democrazia di fronte a queste sfide?
Luigi Di Gregorio is a professor of Political Communication at Tuscia University (Viterbo). He also teaches Campaign Management in several Masters programs and graduate schools. He is a political consultant and was head of institutional communication for the City of Rome and manager in the European Parliament. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Political Marketing and is involved mainly with political communication, electoral studies and comparative politics. His last book is Demopathy and the Democratic Malaise. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Therapy, Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).