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The reality of medical support in developing country and my decision into it
Hayato Orui |
• December 2017
Hayato Orui, Founder & CEO of NGO Future Code, has had a distinguished career in the medical field. He has been working for aiding countries in needs such as Central America, Haiti, South Asia, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso in West Africa. Doing the best without enough neither supplies and facilities though, it always has to face to merciless reality. His talk is no emphathy and tells us the truth of what he has seen in his medical support.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
途上国の医療支援の現実と、何があっても突き進む私の道 | 大類 隼人
医師。中米 ハイチ、南アジア バングラデシュ、そして西アフリカのブルキナファソ等の途上国で医療支援活動を行う。充分な物資も設備もない中で最善を尽くすが、そこには無慈悲な現実が常にある。