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Multi-passionate- Truth about Living Your Potential and Passion
Cheah Kar Fei |
• November 2018
KarFei is the Founder and Performance Coach of Life Redesigned where he has worked with thousands of young professionals on mastering their life to achieve a fulfilling life.
He is also the Resident Coach and Head of Learning in Mindvalley, one of the world’s fastest growing personal development company.
Enthralled with the how people worked and why they do the things they do, he pursued knowledge from the world’s best teachers in leadership, coaching, hypnosis, subconscious mind, and personal well-being. His fascination with human behavior and psychology now drives him on his mission to coach 1 million people.
His work on creating personal transformation in his clients from startup to multinational-companies has made him a household name in Asia – having been featured in Huffington Post, Malaysia Tatler, International Coaching Federation, awarded the world’s Top 100 Training and Development Minds by the World HRD Congress, and the first Malaysian to be in the Forbes Coaches Council.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx