Healthy weight, unhealthy mind: Embracing your set point
Zoe Burnett |
• September 2019
For over half of my life Zoe has had an eating disorder, believing her weight somehow determined my self-worth. After crashing and burning she realised you do not have to be underweight to have an eating disorder. She finally got help for the illness and discovered set point theory - your genetic pre-determined weight. Like your body temperature you are genetically designed to be a certain weight. Once Zoe accepted this and realized that constantly fighting biology by dieting, restricting and generally having a very unhealthy relationship with food, something amazing happened; Zoe discovered true happiness. She found body positivity and realized her self-worth is not a number on the scale. Zoe is living for the first time, counting memories not calories. Why should a number define who she is as a person? Letting go of the disorder and embracing her set point has allowed her to live.