Teen Sleep: What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything
17,014 plays|
Valerie Crabtree |
• February 2019
Sleep is a fundamental pillar of health, especially in teens, but it’s very poorly understood. Learn about the role of sleep in all aspects of physical and mental health, and find out about the changes in sleep/wake rhythm over time and how very early school start times are detrimental to the health of teenagers as well as those around them.
Valerie M. Crabtree, Ph.D. is an Associate Member, Department of Psychology and Chief of Psychosocial Services at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Dr. Crabtree arrived at St. Jude in 2007 as a clinical psychologist and joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology in 2010 as Director of Clinical Services and Training. In 2017, she was appointed to the role of Chief of Psychosocial Services.