Who Decides How Smart You Are?
14,702 plays|
Vaishnavi Sarathy |
• May 2019
Her baby boy was born with a litany of developmental delays and cognitive deficiencies that would prevent him from ever understanding or interacting with the world. Vaishnavi Sarathy had no choice but to accept the grave diagnosis. Her son couldn't speak or walk, and showed no sign of intelligence. Until the day he did. This is the story of one woman’s life-changing discovery that though seemingly trapped, her son, in fact, has a rich intellectual life and sophisticated wit. Sarathy wants us all to understand that without a new method of exploration, no one will ever know what goes on inside another’s head.
TEDxColumbusCircle (http://www.tedxcolumbuscircle.com) was produced by a team from Manhattan Productions (http://www.manhattanproductions.com), Womenkind (http://www.womenkind.net), Gender Fair (http://www.genderfair.com), and reimagine.world.