Choosing Fun in the Chaos of Cancer
Tara Geraghty |
• May 2019
In the chaos of childhood cancer, laughing, while seemingly offensive, is actually an appropriate choice...and science proves it. Tara challenges the cancer conversation and embraces laughter, fun, play, and giggles on a big scale to change the cancer experience for children and their families. Learn more at
Tara has over 21 years in leadership development. She holds a degree in theater & has a background in improvisation. It was those three unlikely skill sets she drew upon in 2009 when her 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with high risk stage 4 neuroblastoma. She choose to face cancer with fun, and to support her daughter in a non-traditional way. Tara now shares those powerful tools, tips, and secrets to help parents navigate the scary world that is childhood cancer. Tara's the author of Making Cancer Fun, I’m a Miracle Kid, From Living to Being, The Rock Star Calendar and the creator of The Grateful Connection Course. She is a contributing author on Every Entrepreneur’s Guide to Running your Own Business, a regular contributor to Conquer Magazine: The Patient’s Voice, and can be heard on podcasts worldwide. She lives in NJ with her miracle kid Emily Grace and their chiweenie.
Tara's Website and Social Links:
Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @makingcancerfun
Instagram: @taragmk