How to Stop Ignoring Your Intuition to Attain Any Goal
Sunil Godse |
• July 2018
Sunil Godse knew that trusting his intuition led him to attain whatever personal or professional goals he set out for himself.
Despite this success, ignoring his intuition led to three devastating situations – wasting time in an unfulfilling career to satisfy others, losing all of his life savings by taking a consulting contract for the wrong reasons and delaying advising a friend which might have prevented her from being shot and killed, and spent tens of thousands of hours on research and interviewed over a thousand people to find out why.
In this TEDx talk, Sunil reveals the shocking discovery he made about intuition that explains the reason why people ignore it, and the steps that can be taken to sharpen their intuitive skills to ensure that they attain whatever goals they have set out for themselves to live a life full of happiness and success.