When Mum Or Dad Are Unwell| Stefania Buoni | TEDxNapoli
Stefania Buoni |
• October 2019
What does it mean being a "young carer"? What happens to You when your parents have an illness and you are still a child or an adolescent? And if the illness they suffer from is... a "mental illness"?
Active change agent, president and co-founder of "COMIP - CHILDREN OF MENTALLY ILL PARENTS", Italy's first not for profit organization created by and for daughters and sons of parents suffering from mental ill health, the "forgotten children".
In 2018, thanks to the Social Publishing Service of Cesvol Umbria-Terni, Stefania Buoni publishes the book "When Mum or Dad are Unwell - mini survival guide for daughters and sons of parents with a mental illness", the book she would have needed when she was 15 and that she is reprinting and distributing through crowdfunding.
In the same year, together with COMIP, she launches a project with the same name - which is still ongoing - to raise awareness about young carers in Italian schools.