Why the Power of Mentoring can Change the World
Shirley LIU |
• April 2019
If you want something, dream, dare, do it. If you want something extraordinary, dream, dare, do it with great mentors. If you want to learn a powerful lesson about yourself, become a mentor.
Multi-cultural and a FT500 global executive, Shirley Liu is a passionate advocate for mentoring, psychology and organizational behavior in business. Discover her personal story-telling of two mentees’ mirroring lives and the powerful insights it brought on life and social change. Learn how one by one, as we collectively advocate and act to make Mentoring a mainstream activity, you too can positively inspire those around you and change the world together.
In addition to her corporate role, Shirley devotes significant time as a public speaker and millennials mentor, advocating the importance of Authentic Leadership, Compassionate Profitability in the corporate world and Conscientious Mentoring.