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Feeling uncomfortable is the answer
Samuel Leach |
• April 2018
Samuel Leach, 27, is Director of Samuel & Co Trading, CEO of Yield Coin, a TED speaker, and a social media influencer. He has a proven track record of capitalising on the opportunities the markets provide, and has used his success to educate others. Inspired by his own personal journey, Samuel established Samuel & Co. in 2012, to provide an opportunity to those with a desire to grow their wealth and trade the financial markets. To date, over 1,500 people across 54 different countries have graduated from the Samuel & Co. training course. Meanwhile, the company has enjoyed triple figure percentile growth year on year since its inception. Samuel has also been active in the Blockchain space for the past year as the owner of Yield Coin, crypto trader and general Blockchain enthusiast. He will continue to grow his presence in the space over the coming year, and bring crypto's to the traditional world.