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Sam Jalloh |
• November 2019
If you were born in a country with a high infant mortality rate and grew up in the midst of a civil war where many young people were captured to be used as child soldiers, you might not expect to be able to escape that harsh reality.
However, the day Sam Jalloh discovered tennis, his prospects and his life began to change in a way that he could never have previously imagined. Having represented his country at tennis at a young age, Sam is now an international tennis coach who inspires others around the world to not only play tennis, but to face their own challenges and overcome obstacles in their lives.
Sometimes it takes a story like Sam’s, that is so far from our own experience, to make us truly understand that change is always possible in life if we have both the determination and courage to accept every opportunity that comes our way. Sam tells his story of trauma, tenacity and tennis.