Let's talk about miscarriage
Regan Parker |
• May 2022
NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains a graphic description of miscarriage, which may be upsetting to viewers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf
In this profoundly courageous talk, Regan aims to change the way we talk about pregnancy loss and miscarriage. She confronts the unmentionable, gives a voice to the unspoken, and challenges a taboo topic in our culture. Miscarriage happens in around 1 in 4 known pregnancies, with 85% of those happening in the first trimester. But do we talk about
it? No. Why is that? One of the reasons is that we are taught to believe that pregnancy loss is private. Another is that it doesn't really matter because, "you can have another one." Women experiencing this tremendous loss need support, compassion, and understanding.
Miscarriage is part of the universal human experience and we can redefine how we
talk about it and support one another.
Regan was part of a historic 7,000+ attendee Year 10 experience. After three reschedules due to the Pandemic, our Core Organizing Team persevered through 1,164 days of planning and execution
to produce the event for Portland, OR.
With special thanks to the University of Oregon for presenting partnership, a world class stage design provided by Meyer Pro Inc, an incredible legacy bound Event Book provided by Premier
Press and to the creative digital craft provided by Enjoy the Weather & Victory Creative. All of our Partners and event history can be found at TEDxPortland.com