Silencing Stigma through Storytelling
Paul Henczel |
• September 2017
Paul Henczel experienced a horrific accident and survived certain death to achieve what most would say was impossible. Paul is determined to bring awareness around the stigma of invisible injuries and disabilities. This is an inspiring, heart-felt, and at times, humorous talk that encourages watchers to rise above their circumstances through storytelling.
Paul was left with multiple physical, mental and emotional injuries, including PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, nerve damage and more. But, his obstacles have not stopped him from reaching his educational and professional goals, because he believes opportunities create stories and stories create opportunities. Against all odds he completed his Bachelors of Business Administration Degree and wrote a book about his story "Miracle in a Mill: Crushed Alive!"
Paul uses his experiences from overcoming adversity and daily challenges to motivate and empower others through storytelling, and challenges others to do the same.