How an ad changed my life
Nikita Lalwani |
• March 2021
Nikita Lalwani is an Indian writer and a self-confessed coffee addict. She is the author of Amazon Bestseller 2 Day Down. and has also authored Live Life...Stop Analysing It! and 2 Peg Ke Baad in 2010 and 2016 respectively. She is also an ad woman and has worked with agencies like Ogilvy & McCann as a writer for several years. She has been invited to noted platforms like Sophia College, NL Dalmia, Narsee Monji, Meethibai, Singhania High School, etc. In her talk, spoke about her ‘Astitva’ emphasizing her experiences growing up with curly hair with the aid of anecdotes from her past, she was able to captivate the audience with her amazing storytelling talent. She skilfully narrated her journey of becoming a bestseller author which inspired everyone present in the audience to strive for excellence in their life.