End of evolution: transforming medicine through AI to reverse disease
Manolis Kellis |
• December 2021
We marvel at the wonders of evolution and at its simplicity, but evolution is also messy, inefficient, and brutal. MIT Professor Manolis Kellis argues that humanity can do better, and has already switched from ‘vertical’ to ‘horizontal’ evolution, with the spreading of ideas, wealth, and diversity across the globe, leading to exponential technological advances. He presents a vision for transforming medicine and reverse human disease, by understanding the wiring of the human genome, revealing the causal hallmarks of different disorders, and therapeutically targeting their unique combinations in each patient. Lastly, he makes a call to action across genomics, artificial intelligence, biology, chemistry, biotech, pharma, finance, hospitals, and patients, to join forces, put an end to the brutality of evolution, and allow human diversity to flourish.