Designing is working with the body
Malou Beemer |
• November 2018
In non-verbal communication there are two big aspects that we constantly use: Our body language and the way we dress.
Dress is the most personal form of design and by its values and natural position also the most intimate.
Only when cloths are being worn on the body they communicate to their fullest extent.
It is essential that your body language is coherent with your visual and verbal message.
Knowing this, why would we design on static postures, If we design for a human being for who it is essential to communicate by movement?
It is fundamental to start from a human centric perspective, by integrating the knowledge on non-verbal behavior in the design process.
The collaboration of different fields within interdisciplinary projects are the future. It is in these intersections that innovation takes place.
Imagine the possibilities if your clothing could adapt to the situations you encounter during the day. New technologies and material development can make this happen.
there's a whole realm within intersections, waiting to be explored.
Viewing design from a dynamic and human centric perspective will enhance human communication in the future.
Start designing with the body, instead of only on the body!