Children will light up the world if we don't keep them in the dark
10,044 plays|
Lucretia Berry |
• October 2017
I share a few real life instances where people exhibit how horrible we are as a society at talking with children about race and skin tone. We’ve even resorted to promoting blindness — ‘colorblindess’ — that is, to avoid the complexities and nuances of the conversation. I then share insights from current research and my perspective and experience on how we can do better, much much better. WHY ARE WE SO BAD at talking to kids about skin tone and race?
Children do see differences in skin tone. We don’t have to irresponsibly silence them with the ‘colorblind approach.’ When we responsibly normalize conscious conversations about skin tone and race, we empower them to be competent, comfortable, and courageous as they navigate our hyper-racialized society and seek ways to bring healing and change.